[Debtorrent-devel] Fwd: BitTorrent Protocol Expansion (Google SoC)

Cameron Dale camrdale at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 01:45:02 UTC 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anthony Towns <aj at azure.humbug.org.au>
Date: Mar 26, 2007 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: BitTorrent Protocol Expansion (Google SoC)
To: Cameron Dale <camrdale at gmail.com>
Cc: ajt at debian.org

On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 12:15:06AM -0700, Cameron Dale wrote:
> With the experience you had with the project, I assume you still think it's a
> good idea (otherwise you wouldn't have responded)?

I still think it's a brilliant idea; have done since... hrm, mid 2004
apparently. :)

There were two problems last year -- number one was that Matthew just
wasn't able to commit the time a GSoC project really needs, and the
other is that the project is fairly difficult: it needs theory and
implementation and isn't entirely straightforward. It might be that
it's just beyond the scope of a student project.

> Are you willing to mentor it again?


There were a couple of clueful-seeming people interested in helping
last year (one submitted a proposal that didn't quite make the cut,
another spoke up afterwards) that might be willing to chip in with ideas
or code if asked too. If you want to go ahead with this (and there's
a slot free!) we'll definitely want to encourage other contributions,
and set a schedule of keeping in contact with each other and having
regular blog posts, imo.

> If you still think the idea will work and you (or at least someone) is willing
> to mentor, then I'd be happy to write up a quick proposal before the deadline
> (5pm PST on Monday). Either way, let me know what you think, and thanks for
> getting back to me.

Hope that's of some help.




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