[Dehs-devel] uscan exit statuses (bug #449660)

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Mon Feb 25 21:26:54 UTC 2008


In bug #449660, it was requested that uscan be modified to add a new
exit status which could be used to mean "some part of the process
(scanning for new version or downloading, primarily) failed, but the
failure message matched this regex". (For example, if the message
indicated that the server was temporarily lacking in free connections,
or down for maintenance for a short period.)

As the request was in response to one of your DEHS mass bug filings and
the suggested use of the feature is to allow those automating the use of
watchfiles to (presumably) retry using the watchfile after a period of
time, is this a feature that would be of use to DEHS?


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