[Demi-devel] Re: Developer for demi

John Morrissey jwm@horde.net
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:38:21 -0400

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:03:38AM +0200, Leo Eraly wrote:
> Work with a central deamon which has the information for all
> the different hosts in the network.
> With the following directory-structure on the server.
> - Server
>                 CENTRAL SERVER
>                 WHICH HOLDS PKG DB
>                                 /var/cache/apt/demi/

What do you think about storing this data in an SQL database? For example,
I'd like to be able to find out which machines have version X of package.
It seems SQL queries would cut down on scanning lots of state files to
handle situations like that.

> 2nd idea.
> All the hosts in the network should run a small daemon on which the
> central server could connect. So the central server pulls all the
> necessary data from the different hosts/clients and collects it. And
> pushes the updates to the client. Offcourse an extra daemon on every hosts
> is an extra open port and therefore a possible security risk. But It can't
> be that hard to allow only connections to the client-daemons from trusted
> hosts.

I like this idea better; being able to force immediate updates or package
installs from the management host would be great.

I'd also like to see a way for clients to auto-register themselves. We turn
machines over pretty frequently, using autoinstall to build fresh machines,
so having to manually enter them would be a drag. The management host could
run a daemon that clients could connect to and register themselves by
specifying a shared secret or somesuch.

John Morrissey          _o            /\         ----  __o
jwm@horde.net        _-< \_          /  \       ----  <  \,
www.horde.net/    __(_)/_(_)________/    \_______(_) /_(_)__