[dep-plumbing] 2013 ping for DEP 9.

Charles Plessy plessy at debian.org
Mon Feb 3 23:03:54 UTC 2014

Le Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 10:27:14PM +0000, Serafeim Zanikolas a écrit :
> but making a commit fails:
>     Sending        dep9.mdwn
>     Transmitting file data .
>     Committed revision 317.
>     Warning: post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with no output.
> Also, please update the howto page (dep.debian.net/depdn-howto) to mention the
> current (post-alioth-move) hostname for the service (instead of the obsolete
> svn.debian.org/svn/dep/web).

Thank you Serafeim,

I hope to find time this week-end to investigate the problem on Alioth.  It
worked for me, so there is probably a problem with group permissions.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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