[devscripts] branch master updated (96b67fa -> 8536b84)

Osamu Aoki osamu at debian.org
Sat Sep 30 00:25:27 UTC 2017


I see no problem.  Can you tell me what is the problem a bit in detail?
Here are my test with the same source with change log snipped to 3.0.

It seems ito me the problem happens with setting in your .devscripts.

Only "USCAN_VERBOSE=yes" but nothing else.

| $ uscan --download-current-version --rename
| uscan info: uscan (version 2.17.11) See uscan(1) for help
| uscan info: Scan watch files in .
| uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (as seen in debian/changelog)
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (no epoch/revision)
| uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0"
| uscan info: Process ./debian/watch (package=postgresql-unit version=3.0)
| uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 3.0
| uscan info: Download the --download-current-version specified version: 3.0
| uscan info: Requesting URL:
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/releases
| uscan info: Matching pattern:
|    (?:(?:https://github.com)?\/ChristophBerg\/postgresql\-unit\/releases)?.*/(.*).tar.gz
| uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/debian/4.0-2.tar.gz (4.0-2) index=4.0-2-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/4.0.tar.gz (4.0) index=4.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.1.tar.gz (3.1) index=3.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz (3.0) index=3.0-1 matched with the download version
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/2.0.tar.gz (2.0) index=2.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.1.tar.gz (1.1) index=1.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.0.tar.gz (1.0) index=1.0-1 
| uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle: https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Upstream URL (downloadurlmangled):
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Newest upstream tarball version selected for download (uversionmangled): 3.0
| uscan info: Download filename (filenamemangled): 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan: Newest version of postgresql-unit on remote site is 3.0, specified download version is 3.0
| uscan info: Downloading upstream package: 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Requesting URL:
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Successfully downloaded package: 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Start checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
| uscan info: End checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
| uscan info: Missing OpenPGP signature.
| uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (oversionmangled): 3.0
| uscan info: Executing internal command:
|    mk-origtargz --package postgresql-unit --version 3.0 --rename --compression gzip --directory .. --copyright-file debian/copyright ../3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (after mk-origtargz): 3.0
| uscan info: Successfully renamed ../3.0.tar.gz to ../postgresql-unit_3.0.orig.tar.gz.
| uscan info: Scan finished

Download file.

But with your type of
$ cat .devscripts

| $ uscan --download-current-version --rename
| uscan: Newest version of postgresql-unit on remote site is 3.0, specified download version is 3.0
| $ mc
| $ uscan --download-current-version --rename
| uscan info: uscan (version 2.17.11) See uscan(1) for help
| uscan info: Scan watch files in .
| uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (as seen in debian/changelog)
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (no epoch/revision)
| uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0"
| uscan info: Process ./debian/watch (package=postgresql-unit version=3.0)
| uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 3.0
| uscan info: Download the --download-current-version specified version: 3.0
| uscan info: Requesting URL:
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/releases
| uscan info: Matching pattern:
|    (?:(?:https://github.com)?\/ChristophBerg\/postgresql\-unit\/releases)?.*/(.*).tar.gz
| uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/debian/4.0-2.tar.gz (4.0-2) index=4.0-2-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/4.0.tar.gz (4.0) index=4.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.1.tar.gz (3.1) index=3.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz (3.0) index=3.0-1 matched with the download version
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/2.0.tar.gz (2.0) index=2.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.1.tar.gz (1.1) index=1.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.0.tar.gz (1.0) index=1.0-1 
| uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle: https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Upstream URL (downloadurlmangled):
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Newest upstream tarball version selected for download (uversionmangled): 3.0
| uscan info: Download filename (filenamemangled): 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan: Newest version of postgresql-unit on remote site is 3.0, specified download version is 3.0
| uscan info: Scan finished

No download.  Come to think of, this is expected.  You requested
USCAN_DOWNLOAD=no and it was honored.

If you add "--download" to command line, it download as my first case.

If I automatically enable "--download" even when "--no-download" for
scan only operation of --download-current-version becomes impossible.
So this is intentional choice.

As for your 2nd case, with your .devscripts (This is my 3rd case)

| $ uscan --download-current-version --rename --force-download
| uscan info: uscan (version 2.17.11) See uscan(1) for help
| uscan info: Scan watch files in .
| uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (as seen in debian/changelog)
| uscan info: package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0" (no epoch/revision)
| uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="postgresql-unit" version="3.0"
| uscan info: Process ./debian/watch (package=postgresql-unit version=3.0)
| uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 3.0
| uscan info: Download the --download-current-version specified version: 3.0
| uscan info: Requesting URL:
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/releases
| uscan info: Matching pattern:
|    (?:(?:https://github.com)?\/ChristophBerg\/postgresql\-unit\/releases)?.*/(.*).tar.gz
| uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/debian/4.0-2.tar.gz (4.0-2) index=4.0-2-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/4.0.tar.gz (4.0) index=4.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.1.tar.gz (3.1) index=3.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz (3.0) index=3.0-1 matched with the download version
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/2.0.tar.gz (2.0) index=2.0-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.1.tar.gz (1.1) index=1.1-1 
|    /ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/1.0.tar.gz (1.0) index=1.0-1 
| uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle: https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Upstream URL (downloadurlmangled):
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Newest upstream tarball version selected for download (uversionmangled): 3.0
| uscan info: Download filename (filenamemangled): 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan: Newest version of postgresql-unit on remote site is 3.0, specified download version is 3.0
| uscan info: Downloading upstream package: 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Requesting URL:
|    https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit/archive/3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Successfully downloaded package: 3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: Start checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
| uscan info: End checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
| uscan info: Missing OpenPGP signature.
| uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (oversionmangled): 3.0
| uscan info: Executing internal command:
|    mk-origtargz --package postgresql-unit --version 3.0 --rename --compression gzip --directory .. --copyright-file debian/copyright ../3.0.tar.gz
| uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (after mk-origtargz): 3.0
| uscan info: Successfully renamed ../3.0.tar.gz to ../postgresql-unit_3.0.orig.tar.gz.
| uscan info: Scan finished

It downloads!  Good.


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