[dpl-helpers] List of Debian Trusted Orgs?

Brian Gupta brian.gupta at brandorr.com
Wed May 29 01:59:23 UTC 2013

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Brian Gupta <brian.gupta at brandorr.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Martin Michlmayr <tbm at cyrius.com> wrote:
>> * Brian Gupta <brian.gupta at brandorr.com> [2013-05-24 11:47]:
>>> 1) The Debian UK Society is dissolved, with all assets transferred to
>>> SPI: http://youtu.be/kLTjjg2eL0s Guessing the list and their homepage
> Thank you for all of your helpful replies today!
>> They closed their bank account but afaik the balance hasn't been
>> transferred to SPI yet; it's on Steve's personal bank account.
> Is this something that needs to be addressed? Or is status quo what's
> expected?
>>> 2) How can we get that list updated to be current?
>> It's one of my TODO items I haven't worked on yet.  I believe the idea
>> was to develop a set of criteria and then revise the list.
>>> 3) What are the criteria for Trusted Organizations? (If any.) e.g. -
>>> What does it mean that "Debian France is in the process of becoming a
>>> trusted org"?
>> That's one of the TODO items I promised to work on but haven't.  The
>> criteria are currently not written down afaik.  One of the criteria is
>> that the DPL (rather than the organization itself) can say how the
>> money is being spent.  Another requirement we wanted to add is that
>> they periodically make their financial data/records available to us (a
>> problem we face with many orgs, especially SPI).
> I have some thoughts/comments here:
> 1) Rather than simply how "money is spent", we might want to expand to
> cover all assets held in trust, e.g. "The Debian Project, via the
> Debian Project Leader, has the sole right and responsibility to
> initiate the transfer of any assets held in trust, including but not
> limited to money, goods, domains and trademarks."
> 2) Agree with periodic data/record sharing requirement
> 3) Are there any other requirements that we should codify? IE: What
> actually makes them "trusted". Perhaps we can say that the DPL is
> responsible for making the decision, if we don't have formal criteria,
> like longevity, organizational mission, legal status of the
> organization, and/or involvement of Debian Project members?

Hi Martin,

I was curious what the timeline for finalizing the criteria, and the
list of TOs is scheduled? It's required as a prerequisite for one of
my trademark tasks. (Making sure all Debian.* domains are held by

Also, do you mind if I NMU the wiki page to reflect the differences
raised in this thread?


IE: I'm proposing that we remove Debian UK and Linux Aktivaattori, and
move ASL IT, ASL BR to "affiliated".

Finally, if help is welcome, I would be happy to help work with your
team to help draft the TO criteria.


> Cheers,
> Brian
>> --
>> Martin Michlmayr
>> http://www.cyrius.com/

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