[dpl-helpers] List of Debian Trusted Orgs?

Martin Michlmayr tbm at cyrius.com
Wed May 29 17:31:10 UTC 2013

* Brian Gupta <brian.gupta at brandorr.com> [2013-05-28 21:59]:
> I was curious what the timeline for finalizing the criteria, and the
> list of TOs is scheduled? It's required as a prerequisite for one of
> my trademark tasks. (Making sure all Debian.* domains are held by
> TOs).

No ETA I'm afraid.  It's really just my lack of time and motivation.

> Also, do you mind if I NMU the wiki page to reflect the differences
> raised in this thread?

Please go ahead.

> Finally, if help is welcome, I would be happy to help work with your
> team to help draft the TO criteria.

That'd be great!
Martin Michlmayr

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