[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS german/2006/40

CVS User kreutzm-guest dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 29 13:53:02 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/40
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv27702

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Sync auf 1.27 (Joey)

--- /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/40/index.wml	2006/10/28 20:38:51	1.18
+++ /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/40/index.wml	2006/10/29 12:53:02	1.19
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE="2006-who-knows" SUMMARY=""
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.25"
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.27"
 #use wml::debian::acronyms
-# $Id: index.wml,v 1.18 2006/10/28 20:38:51 kreutzm-guest Exp $ XXX
+# $Id: index.wml,v 1.19 2006/10/29 12:53:02 kreutzm-guest Exp $ XXX
 <p>Willkommen zur 40. Ausgabe der DWN in diesem Jahr, dem 
 Newsletter der Debian-Gemeinschaft. This <a 
@@ -203,6 +203,28 @@
 listed areas where developers have reduced their contribution because they
 lost motivation as a result.</p>
+# From: Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org> (2x)
+<p><strong>Mplayer in Sid.</strong> The <a
+href="http://packages.debian.org/mplayer">mplayer</a> package has finally been
+<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/10/msg02869.html">accepted</a>
+into the archive after the longest tenure in the NEW queue of any package
+ever uploaded into Debian.
+Congratulations to mplayer's maintainers and to the ftpmasters for resolving
+the licencing issues that kept mplayer out of Debian for so long.
+Depending on the videos to be played, non-free
+codecs from <a href="http://www.debian-multimedia.org/">outside</a> of Debian
+may be needed, though.</p>
+<p><strong>Installer String Freeze and Release Plans.</strong> In preparation
+for the first release candidate of the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-installer/">\
+installer</a> for <a href="$(HOME)/releases/etch/">etch</a>, a string freeze
+has been going on, and changes to the installer are limited to bug fixing. Frans
+Pop <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2006/10/msg00737.html">posted</a>
+details and a timeline for the release candidate.  These preparations have already
+<a href="http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/News/2006/20061017">broken</a>
+most beta 3 images.</p>
 <p><strong>Wollen Sie die DWN weiterhin lesen?</strong> Bitte helfen Sie
 uns beim Erstellen dieses Newsletters. Wir brauchen weiterhin freiwillige
 Autoren, die die Debian-Gemeinschaft beobachten und über Ereignisse in der
@@ -211,4 +233,4 @@
 sehen, wie Sie helfen können. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre E-Mail an <a
 href="mailto:dwn at debian.org">dwn at debian.org</a>.</p>
-#use wml::debian::weeklynews::footer editor="Thomas Viehmann, Sebastian Feltel, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Martin 'Joey' Schulze" translator="Helge Kreutzmann"
+#use wml::debian::weeklynews::footer editor="Thomas Viehmann, Sebastian Feltel, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Joey Hess, Martin 'Joey' Schulze" translator="Helge Kreutzmann"

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