[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS german/2008/12

CVS User tolimar dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed Oct 8 20:20:56 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/12
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv6173

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Junta is wrong; adding Kanji name of bug submitter

--- /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/12/index.wml	2008/10/08 04:43:08	1.4
+++ /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2008/12/index.wml	2008/10/08 20:20:55	1.5
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf8/Videoteam/Thanks">amazing job this
 year</a> making most of the sessions available via stream as well as forwarding
 questions via Internet Relay Chat.</q>  Steve is already looking forward to
-next year's Debian Conference, which will take place in the Junta Extremadura
+next year's Debian Conference, which will take place in the region of Extremadura
 in Spain.</p>
 <p>He then summarized the results of this year's <a
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 <p>Christian Perrier
 <a href="http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2008/09/24#bug-500000-now">noted</a>
 that the 500,000th <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/500000">bug</a> has been
-reported to Debian's bug tracking sytem.  In it, Nobuhiro Iwamatsu requested a feature
+reported to Debian's bug tracking sytem.  In it, Nobuhiro Iwamatsu (&#23721;&#26494; &#20449;&#27915;) requested a feature
 for the common debian build system, a tool used to create Debian packages, and
 even provided a patch.</p>

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