[Dwn-trans-english] Re: Yay! Preview 2004/14

Jens Seidel tux-master@web.de
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 02:26:50 +0200

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 01:15:53AM +0200, Fr=E9d=E9ric Bothamy wrote:
> * Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> [2004-04-05 20:15] :
> > <p><strong>Indirect Donation from Redmond.</strong> A particular adve=
> > in the current issue of the German <a
> > href=3D"http://www.linux-magazin.de/">Linux Magazin</a> magazine, cre=
ated and
> > paid by a Redmond-based company, did not only cause a <a
> > href=3D"http://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=3D12819">di=
> > on whether a GNU/Linux oriented magazine should accept such an advert=
> > but also a large <a href=3D"http://www.linuxnewmedia.de/presse">donat=
ion</a> to
> > the Debian project.</p>
> Hello everyone,
> Could any of the german-speaking people enligthen me on the meaning of
> the two articles above, please?  The general idea would be enough (the
> DWN is a bit terse to me).  My German lessons are way too old for me to
> understand them correctly.

Hi Fr=E9d=E9ric,

let's first explain Microsofts advertisement in "Linux Magazin", page 37.
There's a large picture of a smiling man who updated 10.000 PCs in 10
minutes using the newest application.
The German text is: "Herr 5.000 PCs in 10 Minuten upgedated mit der
neuesten Anwendung" which seems to be incorrect (the name of the person
is missing, or "Herr" is bogus) ("Mr. 5.000 PCs updated in 10 min using
newest application").

The rest of this page:
"We performed in 2002 more than 807.000 software implementations on
65.000 desktops. So we saved more than 247.000 working hours."
Steven Bramson, Motorola

Motorola uses Windows Server System to simplify IT management.
Management Server based on SQL and Windows server is used by Motorola on
more than 65.000 desktops. See microsoft.com/germany/wssystem

Microsoft Windows Server System

The first article asks whether a Linux publisher should accept such
advertisements and contains that the money is donated to Debian.

The second article:
It's not a April, 1st joke, it's a really serious advertisement instead
of one of the usual flame wars.

I hope it helps