[Eyecatcher-general] Howdy
Martin Zobel-Helas
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 22:10:09 +0100
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Hi all,
On Wednesday, 05 Jan 2005, Alexandru Bradescu-Popa wrote:
> Hi,
> I am ready to help you in the project. Also, I will translate in
> Romanian too.
Great. /me adds Romanian on his list.
> Why in magic and not in openoffice?
Alexander and i discussed that before. Working with plaintext files is
much easier for a version control system as using some binary format.
(Okay, OOo is XML, but zippd). Also using mgp gives us the posibility to
use an %include statement, so we could write a template for the
presentation and easyly include the translations.
My idea is to have a simple script, which asks you the language to
present, symlinks a folder (lets say "mylanguage") and start the
presentation. All files in language subfolders have the same names, so
the template justs includes "mylanguage/sheet1.mpg",
"mylanguage/sheet2.mgp" and so on.
On Wednesday, 05 Jan 2005, Can Berk G=FCder wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm interested in the project, and I'll help with anything I can,
> including Turkish translation.
Great, /me adds Turkish on his list.
On Tuesday, 04 Jan 2005, Dan Wright wrote:
> Checking in from the great state of Texas, where we have a lot of Debian
Great, we also have a english proof-reader.
> fans. I've put together a small HTML slide show[1] for our Linux User
> Group to run during computer fairs, and I'm interested in this project as
> well.
could you put this presentation online, so we could have a look on it
and take it for inspiration. If you don't have the bandwidth for that,
just send it to me off-list, so i can put it online.
> My skills are in en_US text creation and proof-reading. I hope an artist
> or two also joins us, as a good picture communicates quickly without
> needing translation.
I started with a presentation for the German fair LinuxWorldExpo2004 and
realized how hard it is to produce such a presentation.
> I'm sure some of what we generate will apply to Linux in general. I hope
> to improve our User Group demo as a result.
> How do we get this started? Is there a list of things to include and
> things to avoid? We might start a new message thread for each of those
> subjects if not.
I think it might be the best idea to first write a small draft what all
should be put in to this presentation, after that we try to reorder it
in some useful thematic order and one should start working on a cool
mgp-template we can use for it. Next step would be write an english
presentation we can use as basis for translations. And last but not
least, we can start with translation.
BTW, Gunnar Wolf offered to also translate it to spanish.
Weiler's Law:
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.
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