[Eyecatcher-general] Howdy

Alexander Schmehl alexander@schmehl.info
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 23:01:41 +0100

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* Martin Zobel-Helas <mhelas@helas.net> [050105 22:10]:

> > Why in magic and not in openoffice?
> Alexander and i discussed that before. Working with plaintext files is
> much easier for a version control system as using some binary format.
> (Okay, OOo is XML, but zippd). Also using mgp gives us the posibility to
> use an %include statement, so we could write a template for the
> presentation and easyly include the translations.

Other points are:
- OOo is AFAIK only available on four architecures supported by Debian,
  why magicpoint seems to be available on all
- OOo needs better hardware
- Nearly everything you can do with OOo can be done with mgp, too (at
  least I don't anything I missed)

Okay, I concede these points are not that impressive, since most of us
try to but the fastest Hardware they have (or can borrow) on their
boothes ;)

> My idea is to have a simple script, which asks you the language to
> present, symlinks a folder (lets say "mylanguage") and start the
> presentation. All files in language subfolders have the same names, so
> the template justs includes "mylanguage/sheet1.mpg",
> "mylanguage/sheet2.mgp" and so on.

There are some multilingual countries (e.g. Luxembourg or Swiss).  So I
thought about having an active_lang variable or such thing, and the
presentation would run in each active language.

> BTW, Gunnar Wolf offered to also translate it to spanish.

And we can do german, so we have quite some languages to start with :)

Sorry folks, that I didn't answer any mails the last days, but I was a
bit busy at my universitie.

I'll try to finish a small "prototype" tonight and commit it to the cvs,
and we'll see.

Yours sincerely,

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