[Freefont-devel] Various freefont problems

Jamie Norrish jamie@artefact.org.nz
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:48:27 +1200

Okay, I was just about to write off to the fontforge list when I
decided to check the problem on my system once more. And, to my
surprise, the problem doesn't seem to exist any more. To be clear: the
horizontal spacing problem that Alexej noted is certainly there for
some of the combining diacritical marks, but the vertical spacing
problem is not.

Could someone else please check that they get the same results from
building a TTF from the SFDs in alioth CVS, in case I've made a

Artefact Publishing: http://www.artefact.org.nz/
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.artefact.org.nz/people/jamie.html