[Freefont-devel] Various freefont problems

Jamie Norrish jamie@artefact.org.nz
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 18:16:12 +1200

Panayotis Katsaloulis writes:

 > From what I've seen, the people at sourceforge help others on how
 > to calculate this distance. The problem (in my point of view) is
 > how to be able to do this automatically for every version of
 > freefonts that may appear in the future (or any other similar font
 > family).

Apologies for not replying sooner - I have been ill.

Bug 254113 seems to suggest that at least part of the problem is that
fontforge is ignoring the Ascent and Descent values already supplied
in the font files, and is calculating them (incorrectly)
itself. Presumably these values (in the font files) are not going to
change as the font is modified, unless the change is so drastic as to
make manually figuring out the new values a small part of the work

I see that this is not a good solution for any new fonts, but for the
purposes of the existing ones in this project, is the above correct?

Artefact Publishing: http://www.artefact.org.nz/
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.artefact.org.nz/people/jamie.html