[Glibc-bsd-commits] r2714 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 20 14:37:25 UTC 2009

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2009-08-20 14:37:21 +0000 (Thu, 20 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 2714

add list of missing packages ordered by popcon

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES.archive
--- trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-20 13:34:51 UTC (rev 2713)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-20 14:37:21 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -150,696 +150,503 @@
 z88dk				#537084
+source packages currently in testing, missing in kfreebsd-amd64 archive,
+ordered by popcon
+as of 2009.08.20:
-Unavailable (in kfreebsd-amd64) with build-depends available
-(ordered by popcon, as of 2009.07.21)
-(* subset of http://popcon.debian.org/source/by_inst *)
 * only for linux, powerpc, ...
 * unsupported language
 * missing upload or requeue needed
+* missing build-depends
 * only udebs are generated
 * kfreebsd specific bug already in BTS
 * or just needs porting ...
+(* subset of http://popcon.debian.org/source/by_inst *)
-68    console-tools                  163290 100198 52313  7611  3168                                 
-90    libselinux                     128052 99226 19980  8759    87                                 
-94    linux-2.6                      125478 42408 22549 51515  9006                                 
-122   iputils                        99907 32740 59200  7241   726                                 
-141   svgalib                        94944  2770 16470  2601 73103                                 
-174   linux-latest-2.6               87280     0     0     0 87280                                 
-200   net-tools                      83827 61494 18445  3880     8                                 
-216   iptables                       83614 21636 49312 12658     8                                 
-218   module-init-tools              83460 64451 12929  6068    12                                 
-222   traceroute                     82888 12065 62101  8709    13                                 
-235   busybox                        81659 25492 48437  7714    16                                 
-272   lsof                           76719 14509 53673  8522    15                                 
-277   acpid                          75698 46837 23432  5424     5                                 
-280   alsa-lib                       75278 38985 15947  7408 12938                                 
-329   cdparanoia                     64672 24661 23097  6542 10372                                 
-368   gpm                            58779 26718 12330  5351 14380                                 
-369   lm-sensors                     58560  9707 15074  2454 31325                                 
-376   tslib                          57881 14021 33214 10026   620                                 
-379   libraw1394                     57592  6733  4341  1905 44613                                 
-381   keyutils                       57427 13679  1693  2041 40014                                 
-387   wireless-tools                 56405 17716 29055  7957  1677                                 
-411   libcap2                        53878 36492  7009  6947  3430                                 
-425   acpi-support                   51501  5984 11071  3574 30872                                 
-427   apmd                           51154 19168 25409  5737   840                                 
-440   lirc                           49373 13104 13704  4611 17954                                 
-447   libsmbios                      48675 26719 13898  6924  1134                                 
-451   clamav                         48310 20728 14154  6276  7152                                 
+#<name> is the source package name;
+#The fields below are the sum for all the binary packages generated by
+#that source package:
+#<inst> is the number of people who installed this package;
+#<vote> is the number of people who use this package regularly;
+#<old> is the number of people who installed, but don't use this package
+#      regularly;
+#<recent> is the number of people who upgraded this package recently;
+#<no-files> is the number of people whose entry didn't contain enough
+#           information (atime and ctime were 0).
+#rank name                            inst  vote   old recent no-files
-567   transmission                   41211  8099  7759  4959 20394                                 
-600   xpdf                           39360  7437 16947  5892  9084                                 
-636   lm-sensors-3                   37062 23489  8690  2998  1885                                 
-701   gnome-nettool                  33169  3697 23954  5513     5                                 
-772   hdparm                         28487 11597 13929  2954     7                                 
-777   libggi                         27979   967 20107  2780  4125                                 
-779   acpi                           27952  3594 19979  4377     2                                 
-781   linux-atm                      27837    81   202    18 27536                                 
-800   python-qt4                     26646  4721 13004  3908  5013                                 
-818   libnl                          25112 19323  3855  1626   308                                 
-825   sg3-utils                      24658  2914 12525  7695  1524                                 
-834   silc-toolkit                   24143   648 18268  3896  1331                                 
-843   stlport4.6                     23404    51   403   105 22845                                 
-864   ppp                            22452  6606 13812  2025     9                                 
-877   python-4suite                  21465  2296 11435  4203  3531                                 
-879   serf                           21251   949  1509   373 18420                                 
-905   kerneloops                     19610 15658  1967  1985     0                                 
-906   dosfstools                     19568  2622 14888  2052     6                                 
-908   ntfs-3g                        19432  6606  5262  1568  5996                                 
-912   xresprobe                      19287   724 18093   465     5                                 
-918   courier                        18899 12590  5401   471   437                                 
-930   hardinfo                       18383  2692 13791  1899     1                                 
-939   ustr                           17948 11922  3832  1349   845                                 
-946   hotkey-setup                   17660  8850  8524   283     3                                 
-950   splashy                        17549   765   293    66 16425                                 
-980   smartmontools                  16235  5230  9180  1824     1                                 
-984   pstoedit                       16057  2140 11617  2264    36                                 
+2     openoffice.org                 890372 254290 348861 141624 145597
+13    kdebase                        349400 107669 160123 37281 44327
+39    kdemultimedia                  196971 47851 93538 22364 33218
+43    kdeutils                       182953 30711 106128 29581 16533
+52    udev                           173250 60171 26058  9009 78012
+65    klibc                          163831 55693 88490 19600    48
+67    console-tools                  162836 98359 53865  7446  3166
+72    kdenetwork                     157665 29910 82771 16144 28840
+78    totem                          143623 51172 27142 12561 52748
+84    linux-2.6                      135988 42593 32273 51548  9574
+89    gnome-python-desktop           129736 12140 70038 29956 17602
+94    libselinux                     125630 96822 21536  7182    90
+95    wine                           125321 25758 72441 14173 12949
+96    kdebase-workspace              123639 32340 26766 20535 43998
-1045  libjingle0.3                   13560    22   237    25 13276                                 
-1057  sidplay-libs                   13166    88   540    64 12474                                 
-1066  vde2                           12921  2014  9224  1460   223                                 
-1074  ia32-libs-tools                12797  4787  5873  1442   695                                 
-1131  mdadm                          11141  5561  4043  1536     1                                 
-1139  syslinux                       10950  1925  6781  2240     4                                 
-1154  glew                           10440   452  1771   334  7883                                 
-1161  phonon                         10288  2748  5099  2231   210                                 
-1165  ethtool                        10125  2772  6742   609     2                                 
-1170  fping                          10023  2849  6428   745     1                                 
-1179  cernlib                         9836   618  6650   902  1666                                 
-1192  hddtemp                         9635  4510  4567   557     1                                 
-1195  powertop                        9522   629  6966  1927     0                                 
-1205  iptraf                          9315  1780  7033   501     1                                 
-1217  nvclock                         9106  1352  6849   905     0                                 
-1226  xfsprogs                        8995  2225  6021   748     1                                 
-1227  toshset                         8956   912  5939  2104     1                                 
-1228  reiserfsprogs                   8937  3063  5331   540     3                                 
-1233  dnsmasq                         8901  1695  2323  3082  1801                                 
-1237  libopenspc                      8818     0    32     2  8784                                 
-1258  linux-modules-extra-2.6         8429  2886  1169  1083  3291                                 
-1265  libusb-1.0                      8353   162   631   291  7269                                 
-1269  bridge-utils                    8315  2396  5404   515     0                                 
-1281  root-system                     8013  1621  4123  1620   649                                 
-1304  radiusclient                    7700  1353  5651   674    22                                 
-1336  vnc4                            7194  1878  4804   511     1                                 
-1342  libkarma                        7122     6   100     4  7012                                 
-1375  gdome2                          6608    69   353    32  6154                                 
-1402  lshw                            6230  1123  4672   433     2                                 
-1440  zsh                             5737  2359  2087   496   795                                 
-1455  libnss-db                       5524   908  4525    88     3                                 
-1459  iftop                           5509  1007  4093   408     1                                 
-1489  mbr                             5261   886  4140   230     5                                 
-1498  netcdf                          5140   319  1548   204  3069                                 
-1516  wvstreams                       5038  1595  2931   412   100                                 
-1555  cramfs                          4763   569  4119    72     3                                 
-1578  audit                           4594  3132   298  1143    21                                 
-1608  fdutils                         4403   679  3565   155     4                                 
-1612  gnu-efi                         4358   302  3637   416     3                                 
-1621  isdnutils                       4307   924  2183   532   668                                 
-1627  ndiswrapper                     4237   949  1759   277  1252                                 
-1634  apcupsd                         4194  1332  2083   303   476                                 
-1645  nvidia-xconfig                  4144   667  2820   655     2                                 
-1683  autofs                          3956  1657  1813   150   336                                 
-1692  setserial                       3913  1902  1895   113     3                                 
-1738  gkrellm                         3601  1538  1490   573     0                                 
-1744  nethack                         3572   492  2833   215    32                                 
-1755  libprinterconf                  3488   270  2807   367    44                                 
-1758  pycurl                          3474   287   920  2122   145                                 
-1760  rp-pppoe                        3467   570  2762   133     2                                 
-1770  quota                           3428  2026  1294   108     0                                 
-1779  ming                            3392   933   988   106  1365                                 
-1782  metamail                        3380  1572  1694   114     0                                 
-1820  lpr                             3200  2723   412    64     1                                 
-1829  uudeview                        3174   561  2099   212   302                                 
-1864  sdparm                          2993   368  2435   188     2                                 
-1877  glide                           2946   277  2010   384   275                                 
-1906  rdate                           2850   707  1963   180     0                                 
-1920  lksctp-tools                    2765   351  1884   354   176                                 
-1928  qjackctl                        2740   542  1962   236     0                                 
-1936  libdiscid                       2717   219   713   239  1546                                 
-1958  pptpd                           2648  1713   855    80     0                                 
-1985  read-edid                       2555   329  1874   350     2                                 
-1988  mailutils                       2545   561   629   236  1119                                 
-1989  vlan                            2545   689  1730   122     4                                 
-1990  cdebootstrap                    2544   546  1662   336     0                                 
-1992  jfsutils                        2543   536  1772   235     0                                 
-1998  zaptel                          2523   364   916   128  1115                                 
-2003  libpano13                       2499   287  1562   213   437                                 
-2008  commons-daemon                  2481  1414   928   114    25                                 
-2022  jfbterm                         2458   156  2010   292     0                                 
-2035  kbd                             2435  1654   412   368     1                                 
-2040  ltrace                          2430   301  1958   170     1                                 
-2114  gap                             2252   164   857   102  1129                                 
-2137  libstatgrab                     2201   377  1661   148    15                                 
-2141  kbuild                          2188   466  1465   257     0                                 
-2143  libibverbs                      2185   151   295   309  1430                                 
-2149  uml-utilities                   2177  1459   578   140     0                                 
-2168  linuxtv-dvb-apps                2119   252  1095   122   650                                 
-2177  usplash                         2095  1403   450   103   139                                 
-2180  ntop                            2091  1070   934    86     1                                 
-2207  etherwake                       1988   303  1559   126     0                                 
-2218  partimage                       1956   394  1418   143     1                                 
-2222  unhide                          1954  1510   379    65     0                                 
-2228  beep                            1942   493  1315   134     0                                 
-2230  daemon                          1938   548  1290    98     2                                 
-2249  cd-discid                       1892   335  1453   104     0                                 
-2280  hylafax                         1833   993   789    51     0                                 
-2291  ipsec-tools                     1811  1059   628   124     0                                 
-2317  python-pyxattr                  1757   487   889    95   286                                 
-2334  linuxlogo                       1717   986   641    89     1                                 
-2341  tct                             1709   446  1037   226     0                                 
-2361  mod-bt                          1681    80  1353    29   219                                 
-2362  atop                            1679  1350   291    37     1                                 
-2367  fxload                          1671   191  1259   217     4                                 
-2379  psyco                           1652   281   897   136   338                                 
-2387  ngrep                           1636   252  1270   114     0                                 
-2419  kakasi                          1593   212  1178    57   146                                 
-2426  netkit-rwho                     1586   512  1010    62     2                                 
-2428  libburn                         1584   302   919   284    79                                 
-2434  acct                            1572  1229   243   100     0                                 
-2444  libaio                          1563   176   673   148   566                                 
-2452  hfsplus                         1554   193  1234   111    16                                 
-2467  vpb-driver                      1539   119   601   167   652                                 
-2493  fbset                           1503   224  1216    61     2                                 
-2505  urlview                         1490   279  1130    81     0                                 
-2520  pv                              1467   231  1107   128     1                                 
-2544  powersave                       1437   572   138   112   615                                 
-2572  ipmitool                        1414   367   972    75     0                                 
-2579  dspam                           1409   603   231    16   559                                 
-2587  dsniff                          1401   188  1113   100     0                                 
-2589  lsscsi                          1400   382   946    71     1                                 
-2592  mii-diag                        1393   126  1179    87     1                                 
-2606  nload                           1374   276  1027    71     0                                 
-2642  ksh                             1334   350   903    81     0                                 
-2666  poco                            1317   138   618   110   451                                 
-2680  xxkb                            1300   214   823   263     0                                 
-2683  squashfs                        1291   162   801   111   217                                 
-2695  libnfnetlink                    1279    91   493    58   637                                 
-2718  openhpi                         1262   534   501    83   144                                 
-2724  tvtime                          1259   392   663   204     0                                 
-2745  zabbix                          1233   546   500   101    86                                 
-2755  linux-wlan-ng                   1229   104   514    69   542                                 
-2760  gpart                           1226   114   855   257     0                                 
-2763  xosview                         1224   303   790   131     0                                 
-2773  ace                             1212   166   855    27   164                                 
-2810  libdumbnet                      1179   370   532    78   199                                 
-2815  hydrogen                        1177   231   852    94     0                                 
-2819  eresi                           1176    70   939   118    49                                 
-2820  mppenc                          1176   201   826   148     1                                 
-2830  zlibc                           1171     1     5     0  1165                                 
-2842  gnu-smalltalk                   1155   227   601    90   237                                 
-2844  quotatool                       1155   137   890   128     0                                 
-2856  nictools-pci                    1149    86   985    78     0                                 
-2862  scsitools                       1142   176   916    49     1                                 
-2881  vobcopy                         1134   186   856    92     0                                 
-2896  liboggz                         1115    96   661    92   266                                 
-2903  opencascade                     1112    40   400   102   570                                 
-2918  clisp                           1100   164   497   192   247                                 
-2946  cfengine2                       1089   599   393    97     0                                 
-2973  ncpfs                           1071   371   659    26    15                                 
-2987  flash-kernel                    1062   161   821    78     2                                 
-2997  udftools                        1056   232   763    61     0                                 
-3020  fuseiso                         1037   197   733   107     0                                 
-3021  oprofile                        1037   127   855    55     0                                 
-3027  ifenslave-2.6                   1033   326   637    70     0                                 
-3037  binutils-avr                    1027   194   758    73     2                                 
-3043  lprng                           1021   805   188    28     0                                 
-3048  moreutils                       1017   158   670   189     0                                 
-3073  cdtool                          1003   157   812    34     0                                 
-3078  i2c-tools                        999   129   766   100     4                                 
-3115  apcalc                           974   248   656    66     4                                 
-3130  irqbalance                       969   395   522    52     0                                 
-3132  linux-ftpd                       969   360   571    38     0                                 
-3138  libsyncml                        967   112   740    71    44                                 
-3151  lineakd                          961   180   276    39   466                                 
-3163  libytnef                         954    65   312    18   559                                 
-3186  netdiag                          940   162   726    52     0                                 
-3188  libpano12                        938    82   754    21    81                                 
-3223  sash                             910   234   638    38     0                                 
-3225  tclx8.4                          909   157   558    51   143                                 
-3227  mondo                            908   114   526    27   241                                 
-3228  ulogd                            908   415   401    22    70                                 
-3229  vzquota                          908   504   312    92     0                                 
-3244  vzctl                            898   502   304    92     0                                 
-3249  ifstat                           895   182   666    47     0                                 
-3285  nslu2-utils                      870   355   482    32     1                                 
-3311  sapwood                          859    34   697   124     4                                 
-3333  apex                             840    11   770    56     3                                 
-3335  fusesmb                          839   128   632    79     0                                 
-3363  hping3                           827   114   636    76     1                                 
-3364  awesome                          826   285   394   147     0                                 
-3366  gtk2-engines-magicchicken        826   208   496    52    70                                 
-3383  yaird                            818   150   646    21     1                                 
-3391  mt-st                            814   241   511    59     3                                 
-3399  kterm                            810   140   629    41     0                                 
-3422  ifplugd                          797   387   381    29     0                                 
-3423  playmidi                         797   388   384    25     0                                 
-3431  netw-ib-ox-ag                    793   123   438    46   186                                 
-3473  fox1.4                           774    92   448    51   183                                 
-3475  socks4-server                    773   148   601    23     1                                 
-3511  preload                          758   438   151   168     1                                 
-3515  mindi-busybox                    757   247   477    33     0                                 
-3534  xview                            750   125   594    31     0                                 
-3535  gprolog                          748    51   345    20   332                                 
-3547  ext2resize                       743    88   635    19     1                                 
-3563  chrony                           737   612   116     8     1                                 
-3567  mixxx                            736   128   518    70    20                                 
-3584  libacpi                          729   130   485    53    61                                 
-3618  mindi                            712   245   436    31     0                                 
-3658  davfs2                           701    95   440   166     0                                 
-3663  yacas                            700    41   284    18   357                                 
-3685  cxref                            691    91   471    19   110                                 
-3689  pump                             690   154   504    32     0                                 
-3700  reiser4progs                     686    77   546    62     1                                 
-3730  eruby                            674    98   523    32    21                                 
-3732  readahead-list                   674   161   224   288     1                                 
-3752  ethstatus                        665   113   530    22     0                                 
-3763  mac-fdisk                        663   115   462    86     0                                 
-3782  kaa-metadata                     654   177   299   177     1                                 
-3788  loop-aes-utils                   652   485   130    37     0                                 
-3796  powerpc-utils                    648    60   491    97     0                                 
-3830  yaboot                           635    31   521    83     0                                 
-3832  plt-scheme                       634   105   196    26   307                                 
-3872  sleuthkit                        618   127   410    73     8                                 
-3882  ssystem                          616    97   459    60     0                                 
-3898  wu-ftpd                          611   462   132    17     0                                 
-3899  radvd                            610   178   396    36     0                                 
-3910  tkgate                           607    68   306    42   191                                 
-3938  ltsp                             601   250   103    21   227                                 
-3955  powerpc-ibm-utils                595    18   490    87     0                                 
-3966  pppstatus                        590   106   449    35     0                                 
-3991  vgrabbj                          580    94   432    54     0                                 
-3996  acpidump                         577    81   458    38     0                                 
-4007  pcsx-df                          574    60   270    54   190                                 
-4015  mp3c                             572   291   264    17     0                                 
-4025  drbd8                            569   179   147    25   218                                 
-4029  cloop                            568    38   204    11   315                                 
-4041  macchanger                       565   114   402    49     0                                 
-4048  upstart                          564   169   153    22   220                                 
-4056  mtd-utils                        559    44   316    59   140                                 
-4060  linuxinfo                        558   105   357    96     0                                 
-4070  libjackasyn                      556    61   466    29     0                                 
-4075  foremost                         555    92   390    72     1                                 
-4082  watchdog                         554   226   273    54     1                                 
-4097  smlnj                            548    47   351   114    36                                 
-4103  dov4l                            544    72   440    32     0                                 
-4105  ksymoops                         543    64   460    19     0                                 
-4118  e2undel                          540    51   466    23     0                                 
-4125  mingetty                         539   265   259    15     0                                 
-4224  dvbsnoop                         518    82   409    27     0                                 
-4228  wmnet                            518   101   381    35     1                                 
-4295  sooperlooper                     503    61   392    50     0                                 
-4297  xxgdb                            503    46   429    28     0                                 
-4334  irda-utils                       493    98   332    63     0                                 
-4343  echoping                         491    97   356    38     0                                 
-4353  oidentd                          489   262   205    22     0                                 
-4360  hfsprogs                         487    48   377    62     0                                 
-4371  open-iscsi                       485   269   192    24     0                                 
-4379  freewnn                          483   202    70     6   205                                 
-4384  python-bibtex                    483    64   374    28    17                                 
-4395  atsar                            480   231   243     6     0                                 
-4423  xracer                           476    32   406    38     0                                 
-4453  gpib                             468    30   270    62   106                                 
-4468  fdflush                          466    70   362    32     2                                 
-4474  babel                            465    91   273    45    56                                 
-4496  inotail                          461    93   337    31     0                                 
-4511  libhid                           457    59   352    43     3                                 
-4518  ext3grep                         456    70   265   121     0                                 
-4524  sniffit                          456    62   310    84     0                                 
-4534  libuser                          453    35   336    68    14                                 
-4548  ebtables                         450   145   244    61     0                                 
-4566  ndisgtk                          447    76   304    67     0                                 
-4572  libpam-mount                     446   162   259    25     0                                 
-4588  uvccapture                       443    72   340    31     0                                 
-4616  mcelog                           437   256   101    80     0                                 
-4652  bulmages                         430    75   262    52    41                                 
-4681  monotone                         426    36   282    20    88                                 
-4687  libpam-foreground                425    57   293    40    35                                 
-4689  p0f                              425    65   340    20     0                                 
-4703  lde                              423    36   365    22     0                                 
-4734  gcl                              419    48   182    10   179                                 
-4736  libvideo-ivtv-perl               419    17   371    31     0                                 
-4760  di                               415   104   289    22     0                                 
-4805  whowatch                         409    65   327    17     0                                 
-4813  libproc-processtable-perl        407    87   180    17   123                                 
-4815  traceroute-nanog                 407   136   254    17     0                                 
-4832  xdrawchem                        404    74   287    43     0                                 
-4838  setcd                            402    65   313    24     0                                 
-4846  kexec-tools                      400   134   240    26     0                                 
-4850  dietlibc                         399    37   257    20    85                                 
-4859  xymon                            399   350    27    12    10                                 
-4861  autofs5                          398   257   104    34     3                                 
-4869  dhcpdump                         397    34   341    22     0                                 
-4906  nethogs                          392    64   283    45     0                                 
-4926  yafc                             389    64   312    13     0                                 
-4932  ophcrack                         388    82   155   151     0                                 
-4937  xprobe                           388    57   309    21     1                                 
-4944  rudiments                        386    17    48     3   318                                 
-4963  puredata                         384    63   263    58     0                                 
-4984  libinklevel                      381    14    63    17   287                                 
-4994  blktool                          379    53   306    19     1                                 
-4997  libticables3                     379     2    30     4   343                                 
-5008  asterisk-addons                  376   192   113    18    53                                 
-5011  tcc                              376    43   308    24     1                                 
-5013  viewmol                          376    84   246    46     0                                 
-5031  aplus-fsf                        373    10    33    14   316                                 
-5034  libpam-afs-session               373   154    81     3   135                                 
-5081  tcng                             365    26   325    14     0                                 
-5098  dnstop                           362    61   278    23     0                                 
-5100  iterm                            362    55   275    21    11                                 
-5125  ois                              358    22   108    11   217                                 
-5144  tpb                              355   249    99     7     0                                 
-5145  came                             354    50   282    22     0                                 
-5154  libqt4-ruby                      353     5   114    16   218                                 
-5203  zblast                           348    12   313    18     5                                 
-5208  iscsitarget                      347    73   141    25   108                                 
-5212  tcpstat                          347    46   287    14     0                                 
-5223  adjtimex                         345   173   153    19     0                                 
-5232  nvtv                             345   271    64    10     0                                 
-5238  amd64-libs                       344    14   174    18   138                                 
-5247  libnss-lwres                     343     0     0     0   343                                 
-5251  smsclient                        343    46   282    14     1                                 
-5256  gtkdialog                        342    56   251    35     0                                 
-5261  ud                               342   193   139    10     0                                 
-5269  libopensync-plugin-google-calendar   341    34   268    22    17                                 
-5272  rng-tools                        341   107   208    26     0                                 
-5330  ipvsadm                          332   154   165    13     0                                 
-5346  mkcue                            330    47   257    26     0                                 
-5358  libxbase                         329    31   175    11   112                                 
-5373  bogl                             327    71   236    11     9                                 
-5393  lprof                            325    44   254    27     0                                 
-5405  hexer                            322    53   247    21     1                                 
-5407  mdns-scan                        322    47   262    13     0                                 
-5408  mscompress                       322    61   245    15     1                                 
-5411  whitedune                        322    50   183    31    58                                 
-5425  arptables                        319    46   252    21     0                                 
-5427  gridengine                       319   162   111    37     9                                 
-5432  arp-scan                         318    68   224    26     0                                 
-5440  qcam                             318    41   258    19     0                                 
-5441  slurm                            318    36   253    29     0                                 
-5467  star                             315    71   231    13     0                                 
-5487  numactl                          312    48   156    67    41                                 
-5499  wmdiskmon                        311    40   248    23     0                                 
-5512  scsh-0.6                         310    46   190    14    60                                 
-5530  sdd                              308    43   248    17     0                                 
-5533  webcam-server                    308    54   238    16     0                                 
-5553  ganglia                          305   151   129    18     7                                 
-5568  cdck                             303    47   228    28     0                                 
-5583  gauche                           302    49   181    12    60                                 
-5598  ltspfs                           301    94   159    41     7                                 
-5615  sysprof                          300    13    95    12   180                                 
-5624  pcp                              299   154    85    53     7                                 
-5643  super                            297    90   198     9     0                                 
-5647  giftcurs                         296    48   223    25     0                                 
-5685  boxes                            291    54   219    18     0                                 
-5701  qpxtool                          290    47   224    19     0                                 
-5715  mkvmlinuz                        288    16   262    10     0                                 
-5717  tcm                              288    47   143     7    91                                 
-5723  rtai                             287    20    58    18   191                                 
-5769  singular                         283    44   221    18     0                                 
-5793  kerneltop                        280    59   200    21     0                                 
-5799  systemtap                        280    31   111   115    23                                 
-5804  hdapsd                           279   100   156    23     0                                 
-5821  ssldump                          278    39   216    23     0                                 
-5825  aufs                             277    16    91    40   130                                 
-5832  efibootmgr                       276    41   216    19     0                                 
-5844  wmbubble                         276    49   205    22     0                                 
-5845  amsynth                          275    59   188    28     0                                 
-5854  mctools-lite                     274    53   205    16     0                                 
-5857  simage                           274    34   196    32    12                                 
-5860  upslug2                          274    29   228    17     0                                 
-5864  dahdi-tools                      273    43   173    57     0                                 
-5869  mtpfs                            273    44   196    32     1                                 
-5876  cpqarrayd                        272   118   150     4     0                                 
-5880  google-perftools                 272    20   243     9     0                                 
-5890  nvram-wakeup                     271    40   214    17     0                                 
-5896  parrot                           270    43   156    26    45                                 
-5924  libvideo-capture-v4l-perl        268    15   217    36     0                                 
-5935  debian-installer                 267     0     0     0   267                                 
-5940  laptop-net                       267   111    21     2   133                                 
-5947  apt-rpm                          266    38   110    24    94                                 
-5955  dante                            265    79   179     7     0                                 
-5967  xdvik-ja                         265    80   172    13     0                                 
-5971  jackbeat                         264    51   188    25     0                                 
-5986  ttyrec                           263   171    82    10     0                                 
-6057  xl2tpd                           257   112    79    14    52                                 
-6062  gplanarity                       256    35   203    18     0                                 
-6063  gpstrans                         256    45   191    20     0                                 
-6065  ifhp                             256    20   168    15    53                                 
-6096  p3nfs                            254    38   195    21     0                                 
-6097  spider                           254   142   107     5     0                                 
-6105  cpudyn                           253   169    71    13     0                                 
-6114  udhcp                            253    75   149    29     0                                 
-6119  mknbi                            252    34   199    19     0                                 
-6157  gentoo                           248    59   168    21     0                                 
-6163  procmeter3                       248    46   189    13     0                                 
-6193  waili                            246     2    18     0   226                                 
-6223  liblinux-inotify2-perl           243    63   165    15     0                                 
-6226  mga-vid                          243     6    71     3   163                                 
-6247  openais                          241   119    99    21     2                                 
-6249  trousers                         241    65   124    32    20                                 
-6254  digitemp                         240    82   146    12     0                                 
-6261  mirrordir                        240    79   157     4     0                                 
-6278  ppmd                             238    28   201     9     0                                 
-6292  mysqltcl                         237    64    84    11    78                                 
-6296  xboing                           237    24   203    10     0                                 
-6299  drbd0.7                          236    40    54     1   141                                 
-6323  regina                           234    44   172    16     2                                 
-6327  userinfo                         234    56   168    10     0                                 
-6337  ng                               233    49   178     6     0                                 
-6347  fmit                             232    45   167    19     1                                 
-6372  tbb                              231    18   179    10    24                                 
-6375  zsh-beta                         231    55    68    52    56                                 
-6414  vrweb                            228   107   101    20     0                                 
-6429  aiccu                            226   105   112     9     0                                 
-6473  kaa-imlib2                       223    58   125    28    12                                 
-6529  aoetools                         218    52   153    13     0                                 
-6547  hostap-utils                     217    21   174    22     0                                 
-6548  nsis                             217    50   160     7     0                                 
-6591  mono-debugger                    214    44   104    66     0                                 
-6603  wmifs                            214    47   155    12     0                                 
-6636  setpwc                           211    26   173    12     0                                 
-6654  neko                             210    64   101    18    27                                 
-6660  lslk                             209    44   153    12     0                                 
-6721  lsb-build-base3                  204    20   169    15     0                                 
-6725  avfs                             203    42   144    17     0                                 
-6747  ap-utils                         202    26   158    18     0                                 
-6753  hunt                             202    24   164    14     0                                 
-6775  sqliteodbc                       201     5   179    11     6                                 
-6812  libldap-ruby                     198    47    72    29    50                                 
-6825  udpcast                          198    43   143    12     0                                 
-6830  apt-cacher-ng                    197   156    35     6     0                                 
-6852  rlplot                           196    27   159    10     0                                 
-6865  libxslt-ruby                     195     2    79     9   105                                 
-6876  incron                           194   111    77     6     0                                 
-6921  scalpel                          192    28   137    27     0                                 
-6924  xar                              192    29    83    77     3                                 
-6926  aatv                             191    37   140    14     0                                 
-6937  rootstrap                        191    32   149    10     0                                 
-6954  splay                            190    24   156     9     1                                 
-6957  aboot                            189    21    97     7    64                                 
-6959  cdbackup                         189    41   142     6     0                                 
-6965  linux-ftpd-ssl                   189    61   126     2     0                                 
-6980  libax25                          188    61   102    12    13                                 
-7003  pgtcl                            187    43   111     6    27                                 
-7010  cdw                              186    26   123    37     0                                 
-7042  nitrogen                         185    62   100    23     0                                 
-7046  sidplay-base                     185    29   144    12     0                                 
-7054  arrayprobe                       184   158    26     0     0                                 
-7067  cstream                          183    29   137    17     0                                 
-7079  wmacpi                           183    64   117     2     0                                 
-7080  atitvout                         182    27   144    11     0                                 
-7088  loadlin                          182    22   138    22     0                                 
-7109  w3cam                            181    29   140    12     0                                 
-7149  athcool                          178    40   134     4     0                                 
-7151  dnotify                          178    32   138     8     0                                 
-7161  wmavgload                        178    40   127    11     0                                 
-7191  hypre                            176    32    49    11    84                                 
-7219  epos                             174    32   130    12     0                                 
-7234  llvm-gcc-4.2                     173    25   131    17     0                                 
-7237  prismstumbler                    173    21   133    19     0                                 
-7286  audiooss                         170    22   128    20     0                                 
-7331  saods9                           168    42   110    16     0                                 
-7332  sip-tester                       168    26   132    10     0                                 
-7336  texfam                           168    36   125     7     0                                 
-7357  pnputils                         167    20   140     7     0                                 
-7427  qps                              163    61    95     7     0                                 
-7467  xenomai                          161    34    46    41    40                                 
-7483  wmmount                          160    45    97    18     0                                 
-7505  pypy                             158     6   118    12    22                                 
-7526  joy2key                          156    29   116    11     0                                 
-7534  necpp                            156     4    88     5    59                                 
-7537  wims                             156    21   107    24     4                                 
-7557  asunder                          154    38    98    18     0                                 
-7561  exactimage                       154    15    58    79     2                                 
-7563  getstream                        154    19   115    20     0                                 
-7565  gsetroot                         154    27   117    10     0                                 
-7597  fdclone                          152    35   108     9     0                                 
-7608  scratchbox2                      152    39   103    10     0                                 
-7611  ttt                              152    22   118    12     0                                 
-7621  pstack                           151    19   129     3     0                                 
-7623  recoll                           151    44    54    53     0                                 
-7636  gcom                             150    21    94    34     1                                 
-7653  rxtx                             150     0     0     0   150                                 
-7662  darkice                          149    25   112    12     0                                 
-7674  ptop                             149    21   119     9     0                                 
-7701  cutter                           147    14   119    14     0                                 
-7707  nictools-nopci                   147    22   120     5     0                                 
-7714  v86d                             147    70    58    19     0                                 
-7715  xcb                              147    22   111    14     0                                 
-7787  nstx                             143    39    98     6     0                                 
-7790  scm                              143    20   106    17     0                                 
-7814  lookup                           141    28   107     6     0                                 
-7816  mkrboot                          141    15   117     9     0                                 
-7826  vic                              141    19   119     3     0                                 
-7830  avrprog                          140    12   118    10     0                                 
-7832  cccd                             140    27   106     7     0                                 
-7834  icecc                            140    92    39     8     1                                 
-7862  pam-pgsql                        139    22    51     4    62                                 
-7865  sformat                          139    13   117     8     1                                 
-7867  update-cluster                   139    14    88     7    30                                 
-7900  rungetty                         137    52    76     9     0                                 
-7902  tendra                           137     9   119     9     0                                 
-7911  kon2                             136    13   122     1     0                                 
-7980  bootpc                           133    24   107     2     0                                 
-7990  kstart                           133    37    87     9     0                                 
-8000  rarpd                            133    80    49     4     0                                 
-8014  gradm2                           132    18    99    15     0                                 
-8018  lsb-appchk3                      132    12   114     6     0                                 
-8075  vdr-plugin-femon                 130    50    48     5    27                                 
-8077  zzuf                             130    18   109     3     0                                 
-8104  xjdic                            129    34    68    27     0                                 
-8131  ucblogo                          128    16   107     5     0                                 
-8140  makebootfat                      127    20    90    17     0                                 
-8143  mythtvfs-fuse                    127    17    95    15     0                                 
-8149  tspc                             127    69    54     4     0                                 
-8151  vdr-plugin-dvd                   127    39    54    10    24                                 
-8176  fnfx                             125    77    38    10     0                                 
-8181  libpcap-ruby                     125     3    51     7    64                                 
-8203  inputlirc                        124    82    37     5     0                                 
-8265  shell-fm                         122    25    83    14     0                                 
-8268  dnprogs                          121    29    68     8    16                                 
-8273  ldm                              121    22    78    21     0                                 
-8285  xbanner                          121    63    55     3     0                                 
-8311  wmcdplay                         120    22    91     7     0                                 
-8314  btrfs-tools                      119    13    45    61     0                                 
-8320  jvim                             119    27    76     4    12                                 
-8331  and                              118    70    44     4     0                                 
-8370  glfw                             117    12    58    34    13                                 
-8380  noflushd                         117    68    47     2     0                                 
-8388  workbone                         117    12    97     8     0                                 
-8389  ytree                            117    18    94     5     0                                 
-8401  iptotal                          116    99    15     2     0                                 
-8426  gatos                            115    24    80     8     3                                 
-8474  morse                            114    21    90     3     0                                 
-8508  xfreecd                          113    53    54     6     0                                 
-8512  ascd                             112    14    86    12     0                                 
-8528  libnss-mysql-bg                  112    39     0     2    71                                 
-8536  playmp3list                      112    19    90     3     0                                 
-8549  z88dk                            112     5    68     8    31                                 
-8563  ike                              111    56    44    11     0                                 
-8582  sparc-utils                      111    22    84     5     0                                 
-8633  packeth                          109    16    85     8     0                                 
-8638  toshutils                        109    10    83    16     0                                 
-8649  fbgrab                           108    18    81     9     0                                 
-8650  fprobe                           108    50    30     2    26                                 
-8651  freeplayer                       108    17    85     6     0                                 
-8652  libcgicc                         108    17    69     1    21                                 
-8665  hasciicam                        107    25    79     3     0                                 
-8688  gcc-m68hc1x                      106    14    78    11     3                                 
-8698  nlkt                             106    17    51    38     0                                 
-8703  rat                              106    14    90     2     0                                 
-8711  wmtv                             106    13    86     7     0                                 
-8731  pymvpa                           105    10    66    12    17                                 
-8734  sendip                           105    21    83     1     0                                 
-8770  aegis                            103    16    53     7    27                                 
-8771  altermime                        103    32    63     8     0                                 
-8797  ruby-v4l                         103     6    72    16     9                                 
-8827  crash                            101    15    66    20     0                                 
-8842  libsoundgen                      101    22    52    21     6                                 
-8883  pam-dbus                         100     5    41     4    50                                 
-8891  wmrack                           100    20    73     7     0                                 
-8907  nxtvepg                           99    19    67    12     1                                 
-8914  siggen                            99    24    67     8     0                                 
-8953  fsviewer                          97    47    46     4     0                                 
-8958  libinotify-ruby                   97     4    42     7    44                                 
-8960  libpfm3-3.2                       97     9    68     3    17                                 
-8963  lsb-build-cc3                     97    12    77     8     0                                 
-8972  scamper                           97    23    69     5     0                                 
-8985  dkim-milter                       96    42    47     7     0                                 
-9018  libembperl-perl                   95    64    26     5     0                                 
-9026  spicctrl                          95    14    76     5     0                                 
-9040  givaro                            94     6    12     0    76                                 
-9078  libsys-cpu-perl                   93    12    75     6     0                                 
-9080  luabind                           93     7    31     7    48                                 
-9099  fake                              92     9    65    18     0                                 
-9111  libtabe                           92    11    69     4     8                                 
-9129  bitstormlite                      91    22    57    12     0                                 
-9138  libgarmin                         91    16     4    70     1                                 
-9139  libgenerics                       91     6    56     8    21                                 
-9145  mcdp                              91     9    74     8     0                                 
-9151  ser                               91    32    40     7    12                                 
-9179  sbm                               90    14    74     2     0                                 
-9217  shapetools                        89    14    71     4     0                                 
-9222  argyll                            88    16    24    47     1                                 
-9229  hex                               88    12    75     1     0                                 
-9248  recoverdm                         88    14    23    51     0                                 
-9283  screader                          87    12    70     5     0                                 
-9311  lkl                               86    16    65     5     0                                 
-9312  matroxset                         86     8    73     5     0                                 
-9327  fprobe-ulog                       85    53    30     2     0                                 
-9328  fspy                              85    13    68     4     0                                 
-9347  qrfcview                          85    14    65     6     0                                 
-9348  retty                             85    14    67     4     0                                 
-9350  sympow                            85    14    65     6     0                                 
-9352  4g8                               84     9    61    14     0                                 
-9357  fswebcam                          84    19    49    16     0                                 
-9359  grmonitor                         84    16    66     2     0                                 
-9385  aee                               83    22    55     6     0                                 
-9393  genus2reduction                   83    13    64     6     0                                 
-9429  cfs                               82    56    24     2     0                                 
-9454  nyquist                           82    10    68     4     0                                 
-9459  sfind                             82    10    67     5     0                                 
-9465  xtoolwait                         82    14    65     3     0                                 
-9468  bclock                            81     9    60    11     1                                 
-9511  vdr-plugin-vcd                    81    13    41     7    20                                 
-9513  aes2501-wy                        80    10    61     9     0                                 
-9515  dibbler                           80    13    28     1    38                                 
-9519  gp2c                              80    11    53    16     0                                 
-9532  palo                              80     8    69     3     0                                 
-9555  ifmetric                          79    16    59     4     0                                 
-9569  pload                             79    18    60     1     0                                 
-9570  pqiv                              79    51    22     6     0                                 
-9576  umlrun                            79    27    50     2     0                                 
-9577  xotcl                             79    26    24    20     9                                 
-9595  mozart                            78    16    25     1    36                                 
-9638  qcontrol                          77    32    37     8     0                                 
-9640  resample                          77     6    65     6     0                                 
-9683  vdr-plugin-remote                 76    26    33     0    17                                 
-9705  lsb-pkgchk3                       75    11    61     2     1                                 
-9710  odyssey                           75    15    53     7     0                                 
-9720  yersinia                          75    17    54     4     0                                 
-9728  fhist                             74     8    60     6     0                                 
-9751  qingy                             74    15    51     8     0                                 
-9788  skyeye                            73     7    59     7     0                                 
-9789  swapspace                         73    45    26     2     0                                 
-9795  xmem                              73    16    51     6     0                                 
-9837  boxbackup                         71    20    44     7     0                                 
-9861  p3scan                            71    43    28     0     0                                 
-9865  randomsound                       71    35    31     5     0                                 
-9884  jazip                             70    22    44     4     0                                 
-9907  u++                               70     7    25     0    38                                 
-9925  ksplice                           69    12    40    17     0                                 
-9957  tmux                              69    22    18    29     0                                 
-9965  dico                              68     9     6    34    19                                 
-9968  frox                              68    25    43     0     0                                 
-9972  ident2                            68    14    45     9     0                                 
+110   control-center                 110249 27623 27156 10088 45382
+118   network-manager                102448 46806 12479  2856 40307
+127   iputils                        98669 31944 58954  7056   715
+141   gnome-games                    93956  5265 21247  4442 63002
+143   kdeartwork                     93701  6902 20935  5729 60135
+147   svgalib                        93217  2688 16550  2626 71353
+166   lvm2                           88415 35296 37027 10057  6035
+167   sysklogd                       88330 82388  5386   522    34
+172   nfs-utils                      87580 55097 27017  5452    14
+174   linux-latest-2.6               87229     0     0     0 87229
+178   kdetoys                        86050  7447 52461 10595 15547
+187   grub                           84559 19796 45359 10213  9191
+203   net-tools                      83587 60515 19218  3845     9
+215   iptables                       83413 21044 49939 12421     9
+218   module-init-tools              83265 63966 13352  5933    14
+221   traceroute                     82670 11951 62351  8353    15
+234   busybox                        81433 23796 48958  8666    13
+252   subversion                     78429 20589 29322 25961  2557
+266   lsof                           76352 14263 54106  7967    16
+271   acpid                          75534 45926 24784  4817     7
+279   libsemanage                    74756 40985 31245  1983   543
+280   vlc                            74705 25095 14662  4934 30014
+281   alsa-lib                       74695 38119 16295  7270 13011
+285   kdesdk                         73563 14681 34966 21270  2646
+288   gnome-applets                  73405 35567 21721  7477  8640
+316   iproute                        67676 30601 27933  6434  2708
+322   pwlib                          65405  2107 32492  8721 22085
+346   libepc                         60965  4524  2578  4730 49133
+351   gpm                            60408 26368 12137  6658 15245
+359   tslib                          59416 14139 34636 10034   607
+362   keyutils                       59117 13746  1549  2497 41325
+372   xmms2                          58377  5654 32603 10772  9348
+377   lm-sensors                     57756  9338 14478  3070 30870
+386   libraw1394                     56680  6897  3839  2532 43412
+395   wireless-tools                 55762 17206 29886  7014  1656
+397   libcap2                        55642 38134  7394  6499  3615
+403   boost                          54599   656  3480   349 50114
+407   bluez                          54252 29277  8023  9500  7452
+414   acpi-support                   53104  5967 11360  3348 32429
+432   apmd                           50258 18382 22726  8329   821
+438   strace                         49481  6381 41276  1813    11
+446   clamav                         48751 21612 13730  6468  6941
+449   libavc1394                     48272 21294  9847  7764  9367
+453   libsmbios                      47672  1027  9741  1306 35598
+457   eclipse                        47399  7384 28940  4993  6082
+462   libiec61883                    47183   136   557    66 46424
+463   xserver-xorg-input-evdev       47156  3595 25685  7243 10633
+482   wacom-tools                    45126  1599 26469  6453 10605
+491   alsa-utils                     44523 31412 10032  3074     5
+493   k3b                            44365 10255 19555  3161 11394
+498   libgpod                        44134  2608  9117  1993 30416
+505   xserver-xorg-video-sisusb      43778   880 26390  6170 10338
+516   xserver-xorg-video-v4l         43329  1314 25488  6117 10410
+549   cdrdao                         41518  6759 29408  5342     9
+567   xserver-xorg-video-vga         40646   978 23615  5619 10434
+577   xserver-xorg-video-cyrix       40288   793 23661  5621 10213
+579   xserver-xorg-video-tga         40139   775 23333  5817 10214
+589   koffice                        39335 10674 13810  1583 13268
+593   python-imaging                 39040  4565 26809  6711   955
+598   xpdf                           38832  7777 19652  2416  8987
+605   pidentd                        38503  7104 30663   719    17
+622   gcj-4.2                        37933  4590 22463  2369  8511
+635   lm-sensors-3                   37210 23403  9179  2888  1740
+645   policycoreutils                36690 20478 15290   917     5
+650   gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg           36403 14318  9754  4332  7999
+668   wpasupplicant                  35103 10566 21697  2838     2
+672   bluez-libs                     34820   773 13042  4963 16042
+673   deskbar-applet                 34550 18522  5034  3038  7956
+674   libfreebob                     34468  1547 21434 10887   600
+677   compiz                         34080  9461 16515  2797  5307
+706   xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd    32826  3959 23183  5672    12
+707   xserver-xorg-video-imstt       32656   600 18502  4368  9186
+710   rhythmbox                      32528 15228 14423  2873     4
+711   gnome-nettool                  32450  3362 22220  6863     5
+718   ekiga                          32129 14299 13080  4745     5
+734   xserver-xorg-video-nsc         31205   553 17363  4258  9031
+736   openjdk-6                      30893 14481 11235  4777   400
+747   amarok                         29851 11650 12225  3519  2457
+759   gnome-main-menu                29206   812   201   102 28091
+771   hdparm                         28201 11744 14066  2385     6
+781   acpi                           27793  3501 20629  3662     1
+801   linux-atm                      26452    53   210    22 26167
+813   sg3-utils                      25700  3416 16337  4409  1538
+832   libnl                          24332 18794  3771  1480   287
+836   network-manager-applet         24121 14786  8359   976     0
+837   opal                           24112   177   324  2691 20920
+843   git-core                       23767  7345  6096  7264  3062
+848   stlport4.6                     23424    37   432    66 22889
+859   cheese                         22893  2904 13691  6298     0
+864   swfdec-gnome                   22532  5941 12478  4111     2
+865   gnome-mag                      22463 15158  3891  3390    24
+869   ppp                            22256  6372 13994  1882     8
+870   mplayer                        22180 11943  5966  1656  2615
+874   libdc1394-22                   21963 10112  3597  2163  6091
+876   serf                           21887   927  1180   916 18864
+877   dasher                         21810  1260  5762  3807 10981
+880   python-4suite                  21573  2207 11840  3960  3566
+887   swfdec0.6                      21075    27   220    37 20791
+895   swfdec-mozilla                 20853  9785  8055  2897   116
+896   emacs21                        20832  7302 11611   891  1028
+901   setools                        20194  1112 10883  1501  6698
+904   uim                            20143  7333  8928  1070  2812
+905   kerneloops                     20009 15971  2180  1858     0
+908   ntfs-3g                        19960  6851  5768  1348  5993
+912   google-gadgets                 19253  2582  8239  2017  6415
+915   dosfstools                     19166  2294 12523  4345     4
+916   gambas2                        19156  3222 11105  4026   803
+923   gcc-3.3                        18936   101   247     6 18582
+924   courier                        18903 12476  5568   432   427
+935   xawtv                          18053  2758 13619  1366   310
+938   xresprobe                      17932   684 16807   436     5
+947   splashy                        17378   773   275    65 16265
+954   ustr                           17279 11011  4688   780   800
+955   gnuift                         17182   723  6837   921  8701
+963   hardinfo                       16932  2260 13208  1463     1
+973   smartmontools                  16557  5323  9521  1710     3
+983   hotkey-setup                   16339  7967  8105   265     2
+1009  ttf-bitstream-vera             15030   290     0     8 14732
+1019  icedove                        14712 10183  3315   932   282
+1032  kdeplasma-addons               14391  3307  1687  4744  4653
+1054  sidplay-libs                   13468    79   502    82 12805
+1061  vde2                           13121  2041  8600  2238   242
+1082  avifile                        12442  1631  6604   666  3541
+1096  alsaplayer                     12170  2885  5987  1740  1558
+1107  mysql-gui-tools                11999  2427  8173  1058   341
+1113  libv4l                         11828   433  4089  7128   178
+1124  mdadm                          11337  6173  4480   682     2
+1131  syslinux                       11092  1802  7387  1898     5
+1134  xserver-xorg-video-newport     11067    61  2006    13  8987
+1145  java-access-bridge             10833  6166  3134  1473    60
+1166  ethtool                        10307  2800  6840   666     1
+1182  emacs23                        10067  1178   896  2007  5986
+1185  audacity                       10021  5846  3470   690    15
+1186  fping                          10015  2835  6500   677     3
+1193  hddtemp                         9758  4489  4721   546     2
+1197  gnash                           9725  2911  5844   916    54
+1200  opencv                          9652  1137  2276  1306  4933
+1201  powertop                        9643   609  7177  1857     0
+1203  cernlib                         9607   601  6883   489  1634
+1204  konq-plugins                    9604  4536  3764   623   681
+1205  network-manager-openvpn         9542   643  7215  1604    80
+1206  libdc1394                       9473    92  1030    23  8328
+1207  dnsmasq                         9423  1777  4494  1231  1921
+1210  obex-data-server                9395  4333  3053  2007     2
+1212  maxima                          9359   957  4127   318  3957
+1214  iptraf                          9324  1726  7132   464     2
+1222  xfsprogs                        9250  2178  6231   840     1
+1226  network-manager-vpnc            9132   590  6867  1569   106
+1235  libopenspc                      8976     2    28     2  8944
+1238  linux-modules-extra-2.6         8943  2746  1640  1189  3368
+1241  dmraid                          8885  4762  2764  1323    36
+1243  netatalk                        8827  5053  3122   648     4
+1246  reiserfsprogs                   8800  2811  5463   523     3
+1257  filezilla                       8568  1201  1857   333  5177
+1261  nvclock                         8526  1166  6617   743     0
+1264  audacious-plugins               8481  3147  3942   970   422
+1270  bridge-utils                    8331  2393  5477   460     1
+1278  toshset                         8202   859  6579   763     1
+1280  xen-3                           8158  2957  2103   698  2400
+1282  tomcat5.5                       8129  1662  4183   648  1636
+1290  root-system                     7984  1668  4940   752   624
+1301  radiusclient                    7815  1419  5765   602    29
+1310  hwinfo                          7723   662  4407   638  2016
+1322  gnome-desktop-sharp2            7498  4047  2186  1123   142
+1325  libusb-1.0                      7430   164   538   428  6300
+1327  zope3                           7426  2201  4416   700   109
+1332  ia32-libs                       7389  1855  3854  1584    96
+1334  fluidsynth                      7366  2116  3970  1113   167
+1340  checkpolicy                     7257   688  6085   482     2
+1341  vnc4                            7257  1865  4920   469     3
+1344  kdevelop                        7199  1039  3508   414  2238
+1353  fpc                             7115   808  4834   667   806
+1356  python-xml                      7020  3195  3483   152   190
+1376  kpowersave                      6654  3770  2517   365     2
+1377  libkarma                        6647     8    97    12  6530
+1392  gammu                           6518   674  2342  1196  2306
+1397  linphone                        6497   441  2228   356  3472
+1400  libdatetime-perl                6431   854  4363  1213     1
+1402  libffado                        6406   303    45  6046    12
+1406  virtualbox-ose                  6358  2205  1084  1041  2028
+1407  swfdec0.8                       6329  4141  1615   479    94
+1409  ptlib                           6306   153   260  2920  2973
+1411  lshw                            6287  1092  4294   897     4
+1422  alsa-tools                      6084   959  4442   667    16
+1434  libvncserver                    5849   630  1966   469  2784
+1441  zsh                             5765  2304  1898   737   826
+1487  valgrind                        5354  1056  3823   473     2
+1491  alsa-oss                        5308  1020  3890   394     4
+1498  telepathy-gabble                5284   294  1717  3253    20
+1499  netcdf                          5277   312  1615   189  3161
+1500  claws-mail                      5263  1109  1971   313  1870
+1506  mbr                             5212   815  4012   380     5
+1512  alsa-plugins                    5153  3136  1422   473   122
+1515  gnucash                         5101  1446  3302   352     1
+1526  csound                          4999   659  2748  1525    67
+1539  libcompizconfig                 4952  2048  2441   443    20
+1541  claws-mail-extra-plugins        4947   817  3398   475   257
+1547  gnome-pilot-conduits            4895   175  3984   733     3
+1553  ladcca                          4864   116   707    67  3974
+1558  audit                           4829  3070   426  1310    23
+1571  mclibs                          4736   271  3565   346   554
+1581  multipath-tools                 4650  2657  1585   392    16
+1582  cramfs                          4641   524  4034    79     4
+1591  obexftp                         4574   614  2310  1635    15
+1592  ktorrent                        4572  1211  1532   437  1392
+1600  hugin                           4548   662  2975   787   124
+1607  tomboy                          4469  3260   731   476     2
+1608  asterisk                        4466   722   829   124  2791
+1612  compizconfig-python             4450  1648  2366   435     1
+1615  vtk                             4440   371  2746   383   940
+1627  apcupsd                         4337  1383  2263   260   431
+1628  kaffe                           4330   459  3089   224   558
+1629  libvirt                         4319  1370  1403   887   659
+1633  fdutils                         4279   657  3425   193     4
+1636  isdnutils                       4269   901  2364   356   648
+1642  nvidia-xconfig                  4251   642  2941   666     2
+1649  cryptsetup                      4171  2736  1019   415     1
+1650  gxine                           4163  2902   803   261   197
+1655  gnu-efi                         4147   269  3495   378     5
+1659  kipi-plugins                    4117  1040  1887   959   231
+1672  ndiswrapper                     4063   941  1688   231  1203
+1675  hamster-applet                  4055  3069   526   453     7
+1677  multisync                       4044   325  2618   913   188
+1683  gnat-4.3                        4031   588   846   696  1901
+1691  kdebluetooth                    3998  1435  1794   751    18
+1697  kdesvn                          3956   844  1168   314  1630
+1700  compiz-fusion-plugins-main      3940  1475  2149   314     2
+1704  gnome-build                     3914   493  3002   418     1
+1709  setserial                       3857  1917  1843    94     3
+1711  autofs                          3832  1564  1850   117   301
+1720  ia32-libs-gtk                   3800  1505  1352   179   764
+1739  nethack                         3671   543  2892   208    28
+1743  digikam                         3648  1113  1611   924     0
+1748  pdftk                           3630   693  2758   179     0
+1750  stellarium                      3619   378  1262   157  1822
+1753  kdiff3                          3593   906  1104   125  1458
+1756  knetworkmanager                 3580  2082  1218   280     0
+1757  alsamixergui                    3573   761  2532   279     1
+1761  gkrellm                         3540  1513  1729   297     1
+1763  pycurl                          3529   360  1732  1307   130
+1764  anjuta                          3521   405  2461   406   249
+1768  libprinterconf                  3489   272  2776   394    47
+1782  ming                            3421  1008   998    92  1323
+1783  paw                             3419   262  2574   153   430
+1786  rp-pppoe                        3411   544  2724   140     3
+1788  nagios3                         3402   757   247   107  2291
+1789  quota                           3401  2030  1279    92     0
+1790  libqt-perl                      3389   441  2497   450     1
+1807  metamail                        3287  1598  1581   108     0
+1812  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra     3272  1050  1867   281    74
+1816  lash                            3257   616  1277   509   855
+1822  classpath                       3245   239  1840   501   665
+1828  lilo                            3235   552  2169   264   250
+1847  lpr                             3131  2654   422    54     1
+1852  gdal                            3109   231   962   154  1762
+1872  sdparm                          3005   369  2442   191     3
+1882  axiom                           2949   198  1640   289   822
+1892  lksctp-tools                    2900   387  1966   358   189
+1906  glide                           2857   265  2130   211   251
+1907  mlterm                          2857   393  2059   192   213
+1909  kino                            2854   586  2036   231     1
+1917  boinc                           2821  1404  1263   153     1
+1927  mlt                             2785   295   893   967   630
+1936  ghc6                            2754   465  1657   547    85
+1943  libpano13                       2722   151   748   371  1452
+1945  x11vnc                          2717   606  1779   331     1
+1946  pptpd                           2713  1730   911    72     0
+1954  libdiscid                       2687   203   665   228  1591
+1955  qjackctl                        2678   517  1917   244     0
+1966  rapidsvn                        2647   253  1197   102  1095
+1974  vlan                            2624   685  1806   130     3
+1977  dosbox                          2622   526  1926   169     1
+1983  commons-daemon                  2604  1440  1036   108    20
+1993  zaptel                          2567   376   972    88  1131
+1996  kvm                             2558   507   909   641   501
+2004  mailutils                       2544   645   714   134  1051
+2009  jfsutils                        2532   520  1788   224     0
+2011  cdebootstrap                    2525   532  1541   452     0
+2012  gnome-alsamixer                 2519   509  1794   214     2
+2013  supertuxkart                    2518   245   796   207  1270
+2021  read-edid                       2486   326  1525   633     2
+2037  xfce4-battery-plugin            2447   339  1497   329   282
+2040  jfbterm                         2441   167  1984   290     0
+2046  rosegarden                      2437   224   834    93  1286
+2048  xfce4-cpugraph-plugin           2432   275  1547   322   288
+2050  kbd                             2430  1740   385   304     1
+2056  xfce4-sensors-plugin            2418   328  1489   321   280
+2063  ltrace                          2408   306  1676   426     0
+2073  pbuilder                        2355   494  1334   526     1
+2075  pingus                          2353   164   889   114  1186
+2079  xfce4-diskperf-plugin           2348   153  1608   302   285
+2091  libibverbs                      2319   200   445   318  1356
+2112  aircrack-ng                     2294   495  1581   218     0
+2126  tuxguitar                       2259   543  1300   247   169
+2128  gap                             2254   187   859    81  1127
+2129  kde-style-qtcurve               2249   586   911   283   469
+2140  pybluez                         2217   390  1198   562    67
+2142  libstatgrab                     2215   385  1686   124    20
+2161  kbuild                          2170   386  1555   229     0
+2170  compizconfig-backend-gconf      2136   899  1065   163     9
+2178  uml-utilities                   2122  1407   587   126     2
+2179  openafs                         2117   673   553   242   649
+2180  python-scientific               2115   210  1576    98   231
+2182  ntop                            2111  1041   999    68     3
+2189  usplash                         2090  1394   451   112   133
+2191  mozilla-traybiff                2084   617   283    34  1150
+2195  linuxtv-dvb-apps                2077   239  1101   111   626
+2210  unhide                          2037  1532   273   232     0
+2214  enigmail                        2016   936   670    43   367
+2215  wormux                          2015   146   754   105  1010
+2220  conky                           2000   725   837   436     2
+2221  dvgrab                          2000   302  1426   272     0
+2231  etherwake                       1978   284  1575   119     0
+2242  beagle                          1953  1520   334    70    29
+2245  partimage                       1948   363  1418   166     1
+2248  daemon                          1939   500  1360    78     1
+2256  amanda                          1922   862   992    68     0
+2259  beep                            1911   476  1335    99     1
+2263  kadu                            1906   565   560   211   570
+2270  cd-discid                       1889   273  1094   522     0
+2280  lxpanel                         1866   765   705   386    10
+2287  wvdial                          1856   577  1092   186     1
+2296  hylafax                         1838  1221   566    51     0
+2299  gtkpod                          1834   281   894   104   555
+2304  camorama                        1821   360  1321   140     0
+2306  compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported  1818   354  1202   202    60
+2321  nis                             1792  1138   552   101     1
+2323  heartbeat                       1790   347   645    37   761
+2330  ipsec-tools                     1774  1052   660    62     0
+2338  python-kde3                     1755   462   990    96   207
+2347  xfsdump                         1741   263  1228   250     0
+2350  mapnik                          1739   162  1078   151   348
+2351  cowdancer                       1737   365  1219   153     0
+2354  fxload                          1734   225  1334   171     4
+2361  atop                            1721  1376   301    44     0
+2363  jikes                           1720   197  1458    65     0
+2373  linuxlogo                       1698   950   596   151     1
+2379  mldonkey                        1684   642   796   246     0
+2381  gimp-plugin-registry            1679   518   892   244    25
+2388  xchat-gnome                     1666   206   510   101   849
+2391  tct                             1662   448   902   312     0
+2397  pyalsaaudio                     1658   139  1224   235    60
+2403  moc                             1645   424   712   445    64
+2407  ngrep                           1636   262  1308    66     0
+2408  vpb-driver                      1635   130   611   200   694
+2409  libburn                         1634   333   947   277    77
+2413  mpd                             1628  1022   344   260     2
+2414  psyco                           1628   292   922   102   312
+2423  libaio                          1615   181   768    93   573
+2437  kakasi                          1601   211  1158    92   140
+2444  f-spot                          1596   482   673   440     1
+2448  camstream                       1589   159   689    61   680
+2464  prelink                         1563   377  1029   156     1
+2465  grace                           1562   318  1142   102     0
+2469  acct                            1557  1166   231   160     0
+2471  kde-style-serenity              1555   323   873   140   219
+2487  hfsplus                         1531   194  1183   137    17
+2493  pv                              1524   227  1155   141     1
+2498  network-manager-pptp            1516   277   950   282     7
+2504  pinball                         1504   118   594    54   738
+2509  netkit-rwho                     1494   517   928    47     2
+2510  fbset                           1488   212  1198    76     2
+2519  moon                            1475   586   317    71   501
+2521  aubio                           1474   223  1017   160    74
+2531  ksensors                        1467   413   902   152     0
+2557  dx                              1440    89   852    73   426
+2560  openh323                        1440   182   777    64   417
+2563  ipmitool                        1437   376   975    86     0
+2578  gpsdrive                        1429   156   675   114   484
+2579  dspam                           1428   617   228    18   565
+2589  noteedit                        1419   108   537    48   726
+2592  lsscsi                          1416   381   940    95     0
+2593  pike7.6                         1416   349   531    69   467
+2595  darcs                           1414   240   940   222    12
+2598  iw                              1410   278   975   157     0
+2599  sbcl                            1408   196   866   146   200
+2607  dsniff                          1400   195  1111    94     0
+2615  powersave                       1386   596   162    24   604
+2631  mii-diag                        1370   128  1175    66     1
+2635  inotify-tools                   1366   218  1045    95     8
+2643  nload                           1355   264  1026    65     0
+2647  haskell-utils                   1350   150  1084   116     0
+2649  poco                            1350   114   752    58   426
+2651  openhpi                         1347   550   570    81   146
+2672  dump                            1325   362   883    76     4
+2673  geant321                        1325   106   707    69   443
+2674  kdenlive                        1325   196   416   239   474
+2678  gmt                             1320   124   577    44   575
+2683  zabbix                          1315   600   565    67    83
+2695  ogre                            1303   136   887    96   184
+2700  squashfs                        1300   164   806   117   213
+2706  ksh                             1293   331   905    56     1
+2707  sqlrelay                        1293   109   666   119   399
+2709  libnfnetlink                    1291   116   469    52   654
+2734  haskell-mtl                     1267    86   508   220   453
+2738  gxmms2                          1266   220   925    99    22
+2746  tvtime                          1263   374   673   216     0
+2751  multisync0.90                   1256   196   962    97     1
+2756  xmonad                          1247   195   456   214   382
+2759  scummvm                         1246   159   959   127     1
+2764  portmidi                        1241     4    66    14  1157
+2770  liboggz                         1234    83   527   336   288
+2776  gnu-smalltalk                   1230   259   601   108   262
+2786  obexfs                          1220   181   714   325     0
+2788  linux-wlan-ng                   1219   111   497    58   553
+2790  eresi                           1216    81   994    95    46
+2791  joystick                        1216   176   370   670     0
+2794  ace                             1215   183   761    89   182
+2796  bluez-hcidump                   1212    80   866   266     0
+2803  stk                             1207   102   487    65   553
+2805  gpart                           1205   112   751   341     1
+2815  banshee                         1197   428   526   243     0
+2818  unetbootin                      1195   174   365   122   534
+2823  gsynaptics                      1191   667   457    67     0
+2824  kmymoney2                       1191   203   525    67   396
+2827  xosview                         1190   285   712   193     0
+2828  opencascade                     1189    35   457    44   653
+2837  mppenc                          1184   200   828   155     1
+2838  kst                             1183   106   578    68   431
+2853  pysvn                           1168   200   788    78   102
+2862  grass                           1163   174   530   145   314
+2865  quotatool                       1159   143   910   106     0
+2867  libdumbnet                      1155    98   390    74   593
+2882  pdl                             1147   273   752   122     0
+2887  zlibc                           1143     1     4     0  1138
+2894  hydrogen                        1139   196   865    78     0
+2901  luvcview                        1134   189   870    75     0
+2905  lastfm                          1132   264   674   193     1
+2911  nictools-pci                    1128    85   983    60     0
+2919  vdr                             1125   627   343   135    20
+2921  lmms                            1123   210   756   100    57
+2925  tse3                            1122    14    59     8  1041
+2933  scsitools                       1114   166   905    42     1
+2934  vobcopy                         1114   169   858    87     0
+2939  ncpfs                           1111   362   686    47    16
+2945  clisp                           1106   143   625    86   252
+2949  libnetfilter-conntrack          1104   101   442    32   529
+2953  moreutils                       1102   181   516   405     0
+2968  soya                            1095   203   759   133     0
+2972  vdr-plugin-xineliboutput        1092   373   529   160    30
+2978  ddccontrol                      1086   534   477    69     6
+2991  kvpnc                           1073   177   708   188     0
+2995  cfengine2                       1070   581   415    74     0

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