[Glibc-bsd-commits] r2715 - trunk/web

Petr Salinger ps-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 20 16:06:50 UTC 2009

Author: ps-guest
Date: 2009-08-20 16:06:50 +0000 (Thu, 20 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 2715

list only packages also in current unstable

Modified: trunk/web/NOTES.archive
--- trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-20 14:37:21 UTC (rev 2714)
+++ trunk/web/NOTES.archive	2009-08-20 16:06:50 UTC (rev 2715)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 source packages currently in testing, missing in kfreebsd-amd64 archive,
-ordered by popcon
+still also in unstable, ordered by popcon
 as of 2009.08.20:
@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@
 386   libraw1394                     56680  6897  3839  2532 43412
 395   wireless-tools                 55762 17206 29886  7014  1656
 397   libcap2                        55642 38134  7394  6499  3615
-403   boost                          54599   656  3480   349 50114
 407   bluez                          54252 29277  8023  9500  7452
 414   acpi-support                   53104  5967 11360  3348 32429
 432   apmd                           50258 18382 22726  8329   821
@@ -256,28 +255,21 @@
 505   xserver-xorg-video-sisusb      43778   880 26390  6170 10338
 516   xserver-xorg-video-v4l         43329  1314 25488  6117 10410
 549   cdrdao                         41518  6759 29408  5342     9
-567   xserver-xorg-video-vga         40646   978 23615  5619 10434
-577   xserver-xorg-video-cyrix       40288   793 23661  5621 10213
 579   xserver-xorg-video-tga         40139   775 23333  5817 10214
-589   koffice                        39335 10674 13810  1583 13268
 593   python-imaging                 39040  4565 26809  6711   955
 598   xpdf                           38832  7777 19652  2416  8987
 605   pidentd                        38503  7104 30663   719    17
-622   gcj-4.2                        37933  4590 22463  2369  8511
 635   lm-sensors-3                   37210 23403  9179  2888  1740
 645   policycoreutils                36690 20478 15290   917     5
 650   gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg           36403 14318  9754  4332  7999
 668   wpasupplicant                  35103 10566 21697  2838     2
-672   bluez-libs                     34820   773 13042  4963 16042
 673   deskbar-applet                 34550 18522  5034  3038  7956
 674   libfreebob                     34468  1547 21434 10887   600
 677   compiz                         34080  9461 16515  2797  5307
 706   xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd    32826  3959 23183  5672    12
-707   xserver-xorg-video-imstt       32656   600 18502  4368  9186
 710   rhythmbox                      32528 15228 14423  2873     4
 711   gnome-nettool                  32450  3362 22220  6863     5
 718   ekiga                          32129 14299 13080  4745     5
-734   xserver-xorg-video-nsc         31205   553 17363  4258  9031
 736   openjdk-6                      30893 14481 11235  4777   400
 747   amarok                         29851 11650 12225  3519  2457
 759   gnome-main-menu                29206   812   201   102 28091
@@ -301,7 +293,6 @@
 880   python-4suite                  21573  2207 11840  3960  3566
 887   swfdec0.6                      21075    27   220    37 20791
 895   swfdec-mozilla                 20853  9785  8055  2897   116
-896   emacs21                        20832  7302 11611   891  1028
 901   setools                        20194  1112 10883  1501  6698
 904   uim                            20143  7333  8928  1070  2812
 905   kerneloops                     20009 15971  2180  1858     0
@@ -309,7 +300,6 @@
 912   google-gadgets                 19253  2582  8239  2017  6415
 915   dosfstools                     19166  2294 12523  4345     4
 916   gambas2                        19156  3222 11105  4026   803
-923   gcc-3.3                        18936   101   247     6 18582
 924   courier                        18903 12476  5568   432   427
 935   xawtv                          18053  2758 13619  1366   310
 938   xresprobe                      17932   684 16807   436     5
@@ -321,7 +311,6 @@
 983   hotkey-setup                   16339  7967  8105   265     2
-1009  ttf-bitstream-vera             15030   290     0     8 14732
 1019  icedove                        14712 10183  3315   932   282
 1032  kdeplasma-addons               14391  3307  1687  4744  4653
 1054  sidplay-libs                   13468    79   502    82 12805
@@ -363,20 +352,17 @@
 1270  bridge-utils                    8331  2393  5477   460     1
 1278  toshset                         8202   859  6579   763     1
 1280  xen-3                           8158  2957  2103   698  2400
-1282  tomcat5.5                       8129  1662  4183   648  1636
 1290  root-system                     7984  1668  4940   752   624
 1301  radiusclient                    7815  1419  5765   602    29
 1310  hwinfo                          7723   662  4407   638  2016
 1322  gnome-desktop-sharp2            7498  4047  2186  1123   142
 1325  libusb-1.0                      7430   164   538   428  6300
-1327  zope3                           7426  2201  4416   700   109
 1332  ia32-libs                       7389  1855  3854  1584    96
 1334  fluidsynth                      7366  2116  3970  1113   167
 1340  checkpolicy                     7257   688  6085   482     2
 1341  vnc4                            7257  1865  4920   469     3
 1344  kdevelop                        7199  1039  3508   414  2238
 1353  fpc                             7115   808  4834   667   806
-1356  python-xml                      7020  3195  3483   152   190
 1376  kpowersave                      6654  3770  2517   365     2
 1377  libkarma                        6647     8    97    12  6530
 1392  gammu                           6518   674  2342  1196  2306
@@ -431,7 +417,6 @@
 1691  kdebluetooth                    3998  1435  1794   751    18
 1697  kdesvn                          3956   844  1168   314  1630
 1700  compiz-fusion-plugins-main      3940  1475  2149   314     2
-1704  gnome-build                     3914   493  3002   418     1
 1709  setserial                       3857  1917  1843    94     3
 1711  autofs                          3832  1564  1850   117   301
 1720  ia32-libs-gtk                   3800  1505  1352   179   764
@@ -541,7 +526,6 @@
 2351  cowdancer                       1737   365  1219   153     0
 2354  fxload                          1734   225  1334   171     4
 2361  atop                            1721  1376   301    44     0
-2363  jikes                           1720   197  1458    65     0
 2373  linuxlogo                       1698   950   596   151     1
 2379  mldonkey                        1684   642   796   246     0
 2381  gimp-plugin-registry            1679   518   892   244    25

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