GNU/kFreeBSD -vs- FreeBSD with Linux_base-debain?
Nicolas Souchu
Thu, 5 Aug 2004 20:12:49 +0200
On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 11:24:50AM -0400, todd wrote:
> kfreebsd_base-debian sounds interesting but I would probably just rather run GNU/kFreeBSD instead.
That's different. Suppose you want to keep the standard FreeBSD for hosting applications
and provide users/chroots a Debian based system (whatever the reason is).
linux_base-debian provides such thing but _emulated_. The packages you install are
the GNU/Linux i386 ones, not packages build on/for a kFreeBSD system.
kfreebsd_base-debian is a nice idea. I see it as another way to distribute the
GNU/kFreeBSD before everybody trust it 100% or at least until GNU/kFreeBSD has its
install system...
> I think I'll try to spend some time this weekend and install GNU/kFreeBSD on a second hard drive and do a little performance testing against the debain linux base.
Hmm, I don't know if the linux emulation as much overhead on FreeBSD.
> I've been developing a modified rox desktop setup using color
> coordination and extending the "drag & drop" functionality to enable
> things like dragging an .iso to an icon to burn it, and so on. I have
What is color coordination? Who are the target users?
Nicholas Souchu - -