[Glibc-bsd-devel] Updated install guide question

Joshua Cummings jrac@tsn.cc
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 01:13:32 +1100

I posted to debian-bsd a while ago about my GNU/KFreeBSD installation
guide (http://jrac.host.sk/?page=gnukfreebsd). I recieved very helpful
advice and altered the guide accordingly. One of the things I've changed
is the fact that crosshurd is now the official installation method. I've
only installed from the old tarball though, so I've added the guide's
crosshurd information based on available docs/mail etc.

I just want to make sure I've corrected things properly. Mainly the
native-install script part. Currently I've got this:

Run the script and specify the tarball contents location. Make sure the
only filesystems mounted are / and /dev before you run the script.

# ./swap /gkf

Now run the native-install script to finish configuration.

# /native-install

Is this correct? Or should native-install be run after you reboot into
the new GNU system?

I need as much criticism and corrections as I can get to make this guide


Joshua Cummings