Bits (Nybbles?) from the Vancouver release team meeting
Robert Millan
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:11:13 +0100
On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 01:43:12PM +0100, Robin Elfrink wrote:
> Robert Millan wrote:
> >>- the port must include basic unix functionality, e.g resolving
> >> DNS names and firewalling
> Does the resolver work 100%, e.g. without the 'totd' hack?
It works perfectly when using totd, which is good enough for the "basic unix functionality"
they require.
> >>- the port must demonstrate that they have at least 50 users
> What is the definition of this one? How would I count as 'user'? I have
> a development box running Debian Gnu/kFreeBSD, I plan to move my
> webserver as soon as another couple of packages build, and I plan to run
> my desktop with it as well. Do I now count as 3?
It's a bit ambigous. From what Andreas Barth told me, I think they just want
to know that people are generaly interested in this port.
I've setup a wiki page so that users and developers can list themselves:
Please go on, let's fill it!
.''`. Proudly running Debian GNU/kFreeBSD unstable/unreleased (on UFS2+S)
: :' :
`. `'