Can't start X twice

Robert Millan rmh at
Sun Nov 6 21:00:12 UTC 2005

On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 11:36:28AM +0200, Konstantinos Koukopoulos wrote:
> On Sun 06 Nov 2005 06:37, theblues gnr wrote:
> > After I start X I can normally end the session from (for example) the
> > window manager. After that, X won't start anymore until a reboot.
> >
> > Is this a known bug? If not I'll post the detailed errors.
> This happens with me as well, it is because of the sockets in /tmp/.X11-unix. 
> When I infrequently have to restart X I usually delete this directory and X 
> starts fine. Of course it is a bug, although I haven't had time to track it 
> down.

Anyone knows if this bug happens on GNU/Linux too?

Robert Millan

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