No Mouse in X and kbdcontrol package

Robert Millan rmh at
Thu Jan 19 08:54:55 UTC 2006

On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 06:00:02PM -0700, Christopher Desjardins wrote:
> Hi,
> When I log into X my mouse doesn't work.  When I try to run dpkg-reconfigure
> xserver-xorg, I'm only presented with two options for a mouse

If you have a touchpad, /dev/psm0 should be present.  Check if the node exists
in /dev, otherwise check dmesg.  If all these fail, this isn't a problem we
can't help on.  Either grab a USB mouse or report this problem to upstream.
(or google for some info on your specific hardware and why it isn't supported by

> /dev/cuaa0
> (choosing this freezes my computer)

This shouldn't happen unless you had mdetect installed.  Did you?

> Also, the kbdcontrol package will not install because it depends on keymaps.
> Thanks and so far I'm quite impressed with the port!

And keymaps?

Robert Millan

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