[Gnome22-user] Instructions for upgrading to Sarge from the gnome2.2 woody backport

James Strandboge jamie@tpptraining.com
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 09:57:17 -0400

Here are instructions for upgrading woody systems using the gnome2.2
backport to sarge:


Upgrading isn't significantly different than upgrading to sarge from
official woody, but there are some important additional steps to ensure
a smooth upgrade.  These instructions should also work for upgrading
systems to unstable.

At this point I do not recommend upgrading production systems, as sarge
is not officially released yet.

Additionally, gnome2.2 backport users shouldn't feel the need to rush
out and upgrade at this time, as I plan to continue supporting the
gnome2.2 backport until woody is officially end-of-lifed.  Read more
about the goals of the backport here:


Please issue problem reports related to the gnome2.2 packages at
http://alioth.debian.org/projects/gnome22/, NOT in the BTS.

To those upgrading, enjoy Sarge!

Jamie Strandboge

Email:        jstrand1@rochester.rr.com
GPG/PGP ID:   26384A3A
Fingerprint:  D9FF DF4A 2D46 A353 A289  E8F5 AA75 DCBE 2638 4A3A