[Gnuk-users] Seeedstudio website

guido guido at dis.tur.bio
Thu Jul 14 13:46:03 UTC 2016


I already told you this i think, but riseup is also interested in distributing your upcoming board (as i think there are only a few fst-01 left). For us your free software understanding and ethics are aligned with our principles. Also the "nothing is hidden" it seems a perfect fit for our users...

We would be offering a case too as that's the main complain we get when telling people how great the fst-01 is!, but the user will need to close it after checking everything is fine... (we will need a way to check that :). 

I guess this will be mostly for the US, if you want to deliver in latin america i could help with that but i guess there aren't too much people into that wagon around.

In solidarity,

ps. i love the bear on the board.

On 14/07/2016, NIIBE Yutaka wrote:
> On 07/14/2016 04:11 PM, Jan Suhr wrote:
> > I can offer you to sell your devices at https://shop.nitrokey.com/shop
> > We can also do the production if you want.
> Thank you for your offer.
> If your customers will be happy with an option of bare FST-01 or
> FS-BB48, that's great.  I'm afraid a bit that they would be rather
> hackish or looks wild for your business scope.  I wish you can manage;
> It's no problem for me that yours will look better in your web site.
> Those who want to get FST-01 or FS-BB48 have their own reasons.
> I'll write to you when things will be decided on Seeed side.
> Replying Srinivas in this message, I do have a website of my own and
> sell FST-01 and FSM-55 in Japan, mainly to Japanese (although it's
> something like one per month).  It is not my major business (I don't
> get much profit).  I do that for the availability of the technology.
> I consider that it's good if distributions of bare FST-01 or FS-BB48
> will be popular and customization services (say, using 3D printer, CNC
> router) will be available at local shops, so that the customer can ask
> the service in person.
> I know that people usually prefer a product out-of-the-box.  I think
> that for those who prefer such a product, Nitrokey and Yubikey are
> there already.  I would like to offer another option for those who
> care.
> -- 
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