[Gnuk-users] [GNUK] Nitrokey Start update through regnual

Szczepan Zalega | Nitrokey szczepan at nitrokey.com
Thu Dec 1 18:39:41 UTC 2016


I am sending a group of patches mainly allowing for Nitrokey Start
firmware update through regnual. The main cause of blocking it was not
recognizing device by update tool due to different VID/PID used for
Start device.

Updated device (1.2->1.2) passes tests from both test/ and tests/
directories. I have also tested update from Nitrokey Start original
firmware (1.0.x) to current GNUK 1.2 and it works correctly.
All checked running under updated Ubuntu 16.10 with GPG2 at version:
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.15
libgcrypt 1.7.2-beta
GNUK compiled with:
./configure --vidpid=20a0:4211 --target=NITROKEY_START

I additionally updated submodule URL path to absolute and parse
GNUK_USB_DEVICE_ID file for supported GNUK devices VIDs and PIDs.
For easier view you can check [1]. I have not squashed them for easier
manipulation and better stating purpose of each code change.

[1] https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-start-firmware/pull/4/commits

Best regards,
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Name: 0004-Be-more-verbose-during-the-regnual-firmware-update.patch
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Name: 0003-Parse-GNUK_USB_DEVICE_ID-for-GNUK-devices-IDs.patch
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Name: 0001-Firmware-update-through-regnual-for-Nitrokey-Start.patch
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