[Gnuk-users] [PATCH] Add board config for "Blue Pill"

Paul Fertser fercerpav at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 11:37:16 UTC 2017

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:23:10PM +0100, NdK wrote:
> > This adds a board config for the cheapest (currently $2.24) STM32F103
> > board widely available from numerous shops.
> That's great news.

I think in certain aspect it's even better than FST-01 if you solder a
small USB wire directly to the board since I'm always afraid of
damaging the port or the device itself in a typical "dongle"
form-factor when it's sticking out.

> Might it even be possible to run GnuK (or neug) on an stm32f030f4p6 ?

No USB, 16K flash, 48MHz core? I'd say unlikely ;)

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