[Gnuk-users] Gnuk 1.2.6 / NeuG 1.0.6 / Chopstx 1.5 / Fraucheky 0.5

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Thu Oct 12 19:54:30 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-12, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Thu 2017-10-12 10:57:48 -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>> That's actually how I built the firmware for my gnuk... so I already
>> have some rough packaging.
> pointers?  how many gluten-free cookies do i need to bake to get you to
> publish your work as a start?

It's still mostly debmake boilerplate, but the interesting bits:


Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9),
Homepage: https://www.fsij.org/category/gnuk.html


#!/usr/bin/make -f

	dh $@ --with=autoreconf

	(cd src ; ./configure --target=FST-01 --enable-factory-reset --vidpid=234b:0000)

	(cd src ; make)
	(cd regnual ; make)

	dh_strip $@ -Xgnuk.elf -Xregnual.elf


src/build/gnuk.bin /usr/lib/gnuk/
regnual/regnual.bin /usr/lib/gnuk/
regnual/regnual.elf /usr/lib/gnuk/
src/build/gnuk.elf /usr/lib/gnuk/

> or should i just file an RFP for chopstx to get it going?

I just make a single upstream tarball of gnuk with the chopstx
sub-module all in one package.

It's not clear to me if we would realistically be able to ship the
binaries with the FSIJ USB vendor IDs and such, due to:


USB vendor ID and product ID (USB device ID)


FSIJ allows you to use USB device ID of FSIJ (234b:0000) for devices
with Gnuk under one of following conditions:

  * For everyone for experimental purpose:

    - You must not distribute a binary with FSIJ's USB device ID, but
      must use the binary by yourself only for your experiment.  Note
      that "Distributing binary" includes distributing a device which
      holds the binary.

  * For general individuals:

    - You must use your Gnuk device with a card serial number which is
      *not* by FSIJ.  Easy one would be a card serial number generated
      by chip unique ID.

  * For individuals with explicit permission from FSIJ.

    - You should have an assigned card serial number by FSIJ,
      please use that number for your device.
      (There a file 'GNUK_SERIAL_NUMBER' in the official release.)

>> I also found the regnual tool very helpful to switch from neug to gnuk,
>> as most FST-01 devices ship with neug.
> should regnual be a separate package?

There were a handful of such utilities which might be useful in a
separate package, sure.

live well,
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