[Gnuk-users] Factory-reset on Gnuk with blocked PIN

Alexander Paetzelt | Nitrokey alex at nitrokey.com
Mon Oct 30 15:37:27 UTC 2017


is it possible to factory-reset a Gnuk device without knowing the PIN
and with PIN blocked?

I tried to reproduce the behaviour a user described and got the same
result as is:

* generating keys
* configuring admin-less mode (though maybe not related)
* block PIN by typing in wrong PIN three times
* try factory-reset (gpg --card edit -> admin -> factory-reset)

returns (BAD PIN)(0x6982) [-> SW_CHV_WRONG]

After this 'gpg --card-status' looks normal (empty device), but standard
or old PINs are not working anymore. You can unblock PIN with reset PIN
(retry counter looks normal), but generating keys etc. does not work and
will always say BAD PIN or alike and the retry counter jumps back to zero.

This is GnuPG 2.2 and Gnuk 1.2.3/1.2.4 (Nitrokey Start)

Kind regards

Alexander Paetzelt

Nitrokey UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Web: https://www.nitrokey.com

Email: alex at nitrokey.com
Phone: +49 30 1205 3434

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