[gopher] gopher++ (gopher1) protocol

Jacob Head gopher at jacob-head.com
Mon Jan 11 20:08:02 UTC 2010

> I didn't think of vector formats - the problem with them is that
> they're usually extremely complicated compared to raster stuff like
> GIF or even PNG (I admit that JPEG is complicated too). SVG is nice
> though. SVG is nice though. 

> Um, who wouldn't want a converter from docx to ANY other format?

Although this is somewhat tangential to this discussion, it might be
worth noting that SVG and docx, as XML files, should be amongst the
simplest to convert to other formats. With the exception of converting
an SVG to a raster format, it is normally just a case of applying the
correct XSLT style-sheet. 

I've been using XML to allow documents to be dynamically served in
xhtml on my website and plain-text in my gopherspace--as well as
automatically creating PDFs for printing--and have been very pleased
with the results. If I had a chance to start my websites from scratch,
I would be very tempted to do everything in DocBook for the ease of
maintaining the same site on the web and in gopher.

I wouldn't rush too quickly to discard either SVG or docx just because
of their ugly parts (and history); there are attractive aspects to them
being written in xml!

Best wishes,


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