[gopher] Gophernicus 1.0 released

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Wed Oct 6 12:49:41 UTC 2010

On 10/06/2010 08:09 AM, Kim Holviala wrote:
> On 5.10.2010 22:44, Jacob Dahl Pind wrote:
>>>> very nice, sees you implemented the auto_hidding
>>> Yep. Made it compile-time option because I though it would be too
>>> strange to enable by default. Besides it doesn't work as well as I
>>> wanted to...
>> Guess it depends on what people is used to, was the default behaviour of
>> UMN gopherd.
> Try out my implementation - if it works ok I'll make it the default
> (with an option to disable the behaviour).

I already running your 1.0 here :) it works nicely, only patched it very
little time, just some logging thing.
I was keeping track of your progress, so I grapped the none alpha
version when I could.

Cooking a small script here to serve out mbox files like umn had it, had
hoped I could implement i only though filters/cgi.

Scanning the mbox and build a list of selector to each email is simple
enough, but still puzzeling a bit over how to send both mbox file name
and email number back, UMN had a special case where a selector started
with R10-54-/mbox , then it would list line 10 to 54, but I would
prefere something not adding a special case to the server.

Though of this maybe use a different item type.

0<subject>TAB/R<id>/<mbox name>TABserverTABport

I can see a way to do it with filters, and letting it run filters
without file the selector is point to, as it is now the filter code will
only be used if the file is actual there.
Would let the selectors work like GET variables in http, as a means of
giving arguments inline to a external program.


Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org | fidonet 2:237/38.8

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