[gopher] Thimbl: social networking for Finger?

Jacob Dahl Pind rachael at telefisk.org
Sun Oct 10 23:43:18 UTC 2010

On Sun, 10 Oct 2010, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

> http://www.thimbl.net/
> What just dawned on me is that this could easily be subsumed under Gopher.
> Heck, a Gopher server on port 79 could serve this.

hehe good old finger, morris worm used that as one of its attck vectors, 
and it was a long standing security hole on amigaos and amitcp, in its 
early versions.
Kinda doubt many would be willing run that service this days, on the other 
hand the protocol is so simple, people should have learned how to make it 
secure by now.


Jacob Dahl Pind | telefisk.org |

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