[gopher] "push to Veronica"

Bradley D. Thornton Bradley at NorthTech.US
Thu Jun 2 23:14:41 UTC 2011

Hash: RIPEMD160

Is there an Jughead type of local index that could do this from a client

That way, when something is changed in the Jughead database, it knows to
contact Veronica/Vishnu.

That might alleviate the need for someone to manually address this issue
everytime (especially in a hosted environment, like say, SDF, etc.,),
yet Veronica would be notified of the changes regardless on a schedule.

I was looking at this a while back, and wondering how it might be
integrated with Veronica/Vishnu in just such a way so that Veronica
doesn't have to spider everything in gopher space over and over again:


That having been said, an interface just as you suggest would also be
desirable, since not everyone would be installing a local indexer, and
if, for no other reason, to let Veronica know that a new gopherhole has
been dug.

Dunno, just reaching here, but seeking with a search service is very
important, while blindly burrowing hoping to stumble across what you're
looking for is not often that fruitful.

On 06/02/2011 02:35 PM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> One problem we have had is new sites getting exposure to Veronica-2, which is
> somewhat solved by the new sites seed.
> However, a related problem that is not solved is getting the robot to look
> again when you've changed something.
> I'm considering an idea to add an entry to the robot's investigation
> database so that it goes and looks on demand. You would provide a URL and a
> display string, and it would only accept menus, not documents. Thoughts?

- -- 
Bradley D. Thornton
Manager Network Services
NorthTech Computer
TEL: +1.760.666.2703  (US)
TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)

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