[gopher] Gopher-centric memoir by R. Alberti
Jeff W
simple at sdf.lonestar.org
Tue Jun 7 17:07:17 UTC 2011
The link below was posted on SDF.org's bboard. It's a paper/memoir by
Robert Al berti that discusses "The Rise and Fall of Gopher" based on his
experiences at the U o f MN. Pretty interesting read and it has some
great graphics, including a pic of Adam Curry of MTV fame wearing a Gopher
T-shirt (someone should definitely print up some of
those for people on this list!).
Robert Alberti's paper on scribd.com:
Why he didn't make it available on his SDF gopherspace I've no clue, but
I took the liberty of making it available in both PDF and plain text:
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