[gopher] Gopher-centric memoir by R. Alberti
Cameron Kaiser
spectre at floodgap.com
Thu Jun 9 15:26:50 UTC 2011
> The link below was posted on SDF.org's bboard. It's a paper/memoir by
> Robert Al berti that discusses "The Rise and Fall of Gopher" based on his
> experiences at the U o f MN. Pretty interesting read and it has some
> great graphics, including a pic of Adam Curry of MTV fame wearing a Gopher
> T-shirt (someone should definitely print up some of
> those for people on this list!).
I sent the link to Adam on Twitter. He retweeted it; I bet he got a kick
out of it.
> Why he didn't make it available on his SDF gopherspace I've no clue, but
> I took the liberty of making it available in both PDF and plain text:
> gopher://jgw.mdns.org/0/REFS/56817068-PIL3254-Internet-Gopher-PPL-Alberti.pdf
> gopher://jgw.mdns.org/0/REFS/56817068-PIL3254-Internet-Gopher-PPL-Alberti.txt
This is definitely a document to preserve.
------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- No Alchemy (unless it works) -- "Girl Genius" 2006-07-12 -------------------
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