[gopher] upgrade instructions for Gopheronicus

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Wed Jul 25 19:38:25 UTC 2012

On 25.7.2012 22:37, Walter Vermeir wrote:

>> If you installed via "make install" then just do another "make install"
>> on top of the old one. As in - download a new version and run "make &&
>> sudo make install". The installation does not overwrite anything.
> I upgraded to 1.3 and that worked fine. But it did changed one thing.
> After the update the FQD was changed to the hostname of the computer and
> the options where I specified where gone. (was only -w 80 )?
> That was in the file "gophernicus" of /etc/xinetd.d

Damn, that's a bug. I'll need to fix that.

- Kim

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