[gopher] Sinclair/Timex internet stuff (Was "Why do you use gopher?")

Alistair alistair at alistairsserver.no-ip.org
Wed May 9 01:26:45 UTC 2012

On 09/05/2012 01:38, Bradley D. Thornton wrote:
> Yes it looks more to be a project than product, and unfortunately I
> don't have the tinker time. But thanks for the link, it's a good resource!

Well it's pretty mature on the spectrum now and there's been at least 
one batch of the finished design manufactured (the designer just never 
gets around to updating the website or documentation cause that's the 
boring bit!)

It would be a lot of fiddling porting it to the timex though I guess as 
you have to understand what the code is doing to work out why it's 
failing. It is pretty well commented and stuff though, I've written a 
load of software for it already and I only started learning Z80 less 
than two years ago. Hmm I wonder how accurate the Timex emulation in 
FUSE is... I could perhaps take a look at the software side of things at 
some point.

Oh, some guys from the ZX81 scene have been doing a similar thing for 
the 81 that they're making compatible to a certain extent (using the 
same ethernet+tcp/ip chip and using the same socket library). I don't 
really know much about the ZX81 so haven't followed what they're doing 
but that'd presumably be Timex 1000/1500-able with little modification.


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