[gopher] Why do you use gopher?

Nick Matavka n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Sat May 19 12:19:23 UTC 2012

On 8 May 2012 20:38, Bradley D. Thornton <Bradley at northtech.us> wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> On 05/08/2012 05:15 PM, Alistair wrote:
>> On 09/05/2012 00:57, Bradley D. Thornton wrote:
>>> Whoa! Stop the presses!
>>> Alistair, is this a product or kit that will work with the Timex
>>> Sinclairs? I've got a few of those and I've been looking for an external
>>> keyboard on eBay. I found one of the good ones but didn't expect to be
>>> outbidded on it (That was a real bummer).
>>> Anyway, what can you tell me about this board?
>>> Thanks!
>> I don't know if it works with the Timex Sinclair 2068 (and Spectrum rom
>> cartridge) It would presumably need at least a "fixer board" for the
>> edge connector and there's a good chance the firmware will need some
>> tweaks to handle the different paging and stuff.
>> As far as I know no-one has tested it, and the guy who designed it
>> doesn't have a Timex to try it with.
>> The board is called the spectranet and lives here:
>> http://spectrum.alioth.net/doc/index.php/Main_Page
> Yes it looks more to be a project than product, and unfortunately I
> don't have the tinker time. But thanks for the link, it's a good resource!
> - --
> Bradley D. Thornton
> Manager Network Services
> NorthTech Computer
> TEL: +1.310.388.9469  (US)
> TEL: +44.203.318.2755 (UK)
> TEL: +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
> http://NorthTech.US
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I use gopher on my smartphone and on my MacBook Pro because gopher is
faster and streamlined; I also occasionally use WAPedia instead of
Wikipedia on my Powerbook for the same reason---it is faster (although
I'd welcome a Wikipedia mirror on Gopher).  I truly believe that
Gopher is the mobile internet of the future for informational sites
(as opposed to social networking.

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