[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Cameron Kaiser spectre at floodgap.com
Wed May 9 18:23:18 UTC 2012

> I think instead of adding more types, we could remove types and 
> simplify.  The would be:
>   * Plain text (ASCII or UTF-8)
>   * Binary data
>   * HTML text (ASCII or UTF-8)
>   * gopher directory
>   * info pseudo-type
>   * Media
> The "media" type would simply be binary data with a hint to the UI to 
> attempt to display it based on its extension.

I'd rather still keep the division into sound, movies and images, especially
since menus don't communicate resource size, and it gives the user on a
slow connection and/or slow computer something to expect.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- The cost of living has not adversely affected its popularity. --------------

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