[gopher] What's my IP address in gopher!
Nick Matavka
n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Thu May 31 23:00:10 UTC 2012
On 5 May 2012 08:07, Denis Bernard <denis.bernard at laposte.net> wrote:
> Kim Holviala <kim at ...> writes:
>> I rule!
>> gopher://gophernicus.org/1/whatsmyip/
>> Now onto wondering what to do with the mill... bill... TRILLIONS I'll make
> with this.
>> - Kim
> Your idea to provide IP address with host name and country is good... but
> implementation is not compliant with rfc-1436 as you are using the “i” item
> type.
> You should generate your message in a specific text file, hence using a “0”
> item type.
> An alternative implementation could be achieved with a telnet server: run a
> small program under a Xinetd server is easy to implement! You could write a
> routine that first reads the xinetd log to know who is connected, then find
> hosname and country and, finally, generate the answer. So, you could use a “8”
> item type (text-based telnet session).
> I do not like “i” item-type, not only because it is not strictly compliant to
> the standard, but because it is a bad idea for the small devices (like smart
> phones).
> Having nice ascii-arts is not good for the readability of menus for this small
> displays! Making drawings in the menus is going in the same way that the Web
> sites! On my opinion: ascii-arts should migrates from menu to the ABOUT
> file. If not, gophersites will remain only for few nostalgic people and could
> run only on desk computers! I sincerely think that Gopher is be more usable on
> these small devices than Web because the informations are provided in the
> simplest way. Do not miss the opportunity to reach the small devices computers
> area by avoiding this “i” item-type!
> Just for the fun: may be you have on your system the library “libwww” from
> W3C. This library provides a minimalist web browser for command line (without
> curses) “www”. Do you know this browser is not only for Web but for Gopher
> protocol too? Run this to have a look at your gophersite:
> www gopher://gophernicus.org/1/
> then, my own gophersite:
> www gopher://oceamer.com/1/
> So, this www browser conforms to the standard rfc-1436 and do not render the
> “i” item-type...
> Regards,
> -- Denis
> _______________________________________________
> Gopher-Project mailing list
> Gopher-Project at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-project
Denis, if you read ANY portion of this mailing list, you will find
that the old RFC is about to become updated, and the i itemtype will
now become OFFICIAL.
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