[gopher] What's my IP address in gopher!
Nick Matavka
n.theodore.matavka.files at gmail.com
Thu May 31 23:03:08 UTC 2012
On 6 May 2012 10:41, Dennis Schulmeister <dennis at windows3.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, 5 May 2012 12:07:12 +0000 (UTC)
> Denis Bernard <denis.bernard at laposte.net> wrote:
>> Do not miss the opportunity to reach the small devices computers
>> area by avoiding this “i” item-type!
> Now for one moment, let's get real. Gopher has been obsolete even
> before this list was created. Even then it has been and it will ever be
> an obsolete thing from the past tinkered with by enthusiasts, people
> who run old gear just for the fun of it. As I can tell the whole gopher
> community has become so small that nearly everybody who runs a server
> as well as nearly every user is subscribed to this mailing list.
> So that's it. While gopher might be a good idea with regard to mobile
> devices it is very unlikely that anybody will ever care. Even if the
> idea of menu-based information services will be resurrected it won't be
> gopher. Very likely it well be a new thing based upon a more modern
> approach. Think about it. Nowadays embedded devices have more computing
> power than many desktop computers from 10 years ago. So get along with
> it because it's no problem of the "i" item-type at all.
> Dennis
> --
> Dennis Schulmeister - Schifferstr. 1 - 76189 Karlsruhe - Germany
> Tel: +49 721/5978883 - Fax: +49 721/5978882 - Mob: +49 152/01994400
> Mail: dennis at windows3.de - Web/Gopher: there-is.no-ip.org
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Are you on drugs?!?!?!
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