[gopher] Gopher server running on ARM?

Oliver Cromm gmane at crommatograph.info
Tue Sep 4 21:31:15 UTC 2012

* Kim Holviala:

> On 31.8.2012 19:37, simple-WF+c3Tt1nJM at public.gmane.org wrote:
>>>> I would like to move my (very neglected) Gopher site to my new
>>>> server machine, which is an ARM-based plug computer.
>>>> Which server software would be suited to that? Does anyone have
>>>> experience?
>>> I've been running Gophernicus on my ARM boards with no problems. It's
>>> very memory-efficient which is good for small boards with little memory.
>> Out of curiousity I built geomyidae on a RaspberryPi (ARM) running Debian;
>> seems to run fine
> I would say that any properly coded Gopher daemon (for Unix) runs on the 
> tiny embedded boards. The CPU is largely irrelevant when you're coding 
> in higher-level language (including "C").

Then I'm surprised to hear again and again that it will take a
long time until we have a good choice of apps for Windows/ARM or
Intel-based tablets.

*Multitasking* /v./ Screwing up several things at once

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