[gopher] Local Veronica?

Benjamin Newman benn.newman at snc.edu
Fri Dec 26 15:21:53 UTC 2014


On 2014-12-26 09:08, James Mills wrote:
> Coool. THanks for that. May I ask why Veronica
> and Veronica-2 are closed source?

The University of Nevada at Reno never responded to my letter asking
that they release the source for Veronica and Cameron Kaiser chooses not
to release the source for Veronica-2.

There is also local Veronica, which I had forgotten about (dead link):


It is a modified version of UNR's Veronica and I used in on the Gopher
server I used to run. Your subject line should have reminded me of it
but, alas, it was the WWW--Wikipedia.
Benjamin Newman

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