[gopher] Local Veronica?

barana . barana24 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 27 01:49:42 UTC 2014

a v2 search yields many gophers with local veronica up for download.


> Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:21:53 -0600
> From: benn.newman at snc.edu
> To: gopher-project at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Subject: Re: [gopher] Local Veronica?
> Hi
> On 2014-12-26 09:08, James Mills wrote:
> > Coool. THanks for that. May I ask why Veronica
> > and Veronica-2 are closed source?
> The University of Nevada at Reno never responded to my letter asking
> that they release the source for Veronica and Cameron Kaiser chooses not
> to release the source for Veronica-2.
> There is also local Veronica, which I had forgotten about (dead link):
> http://hal3000.cx:70/Software/Unix/local.veronica.tar.gz
> It is a modified version of UNR's Veronica and I used in on the Gopher
> server I used to run. Your subject line should have reminded me of it
> but, alas, it was the WWW--Wikipedia.
> -- 
> Benjamin Newman
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