[gopher] PhlogEngine - new (improved) version

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste-family.net
Fri Feb 21 11:10:35 UTC 2014


Just wanted to announce that I released a new version of my PhlogEngine 
a few minutes ago. Since my last post, I made lots of changes! Below I 
list the most visible ones:

  - gopher item types for attached files are detected automatically
  - ability to insert inline links into articles
  - dates on articles became optional
  - articles with the same date (or no date) are sorted alphabetically 
in the listing
  - it's possible to provide a custom storage path for articles via a 
configuration file (for people needing to store articles outside of 
their cgi-bin directory)
  - if the user do not use the 'tags' feature, filtering by tags is hidden

Now, PhlogEngine can be used to store in an easy way also things that 
are not a de facto phlog - actually, the gopher site of PhlogEngine is 
hosted on a PhlogEngine install itself.


If you'd like to see how it looks like on a phlog-like site, you can 
consider my personal phlog as a "demo":


Mateusz Viste

P.S. I have no github stuff or what not to offer, sorry ;)

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