[gopher] Preference in Gopher clients

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Thu Jan 7 08:31:20 UTC 2016

I would personally prefer the normal OverbiteFF view on the right, and a directory tree on a narrower column on the left. I'm quite certain some older Netscapes had that kind of view of the Gopherspace.

And I never click the [+] either because it's confusing :D

- Kim

> On 07 Jan 2016, at 10:25, Martin Kukac <logout128 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Holy guacamole! I never actually clicked that + sign in five years!
> At first I wanted to respond, that I like lynx way to present gopher menus, but now I'd say Overbite FF is the best.
> On 01/07/2016 01:35 AM, Kevin Veroneau wrote:
>>   In the past there have been some rather interesting gopher clients
>> which displays a tree to represent the gopher menus.  There's also
>> hybrid views like we see in OverbiteFF, where we can directly view
>> gopher items by clicking a plus sign in the gopher menu.
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