[gopher] Gopher-Project Digest, Vol 69, Issue 24

NN NN aepedia at yandex.ru
Sat Jan 23 21:15:28 UTC 2016

I am not aware of using SMS in USA. In my country SMS services were really popular in the beginning of 2000s when the Internet access was expensive and slow and most mobile operators had no unlimited access options. When Internet had grown more and become cheaper, all SMS services died. People have been using SMS for quick communication but no more.

>>It is an ambitious plan but rather useless. Comparing to the Internet connection SMS costs very >much today, especially SMS to a foreign country. I think your project with SMS is late for at least 10 years.
> Haha, the irony of anyone here chiding a gopher project as being "late".
> Anyway, the critique is off. There are plenty of places and people without ANY direct internet access, yet some SMS. Amazingly, most of the world is not on Faceborg 24/7 with urban infrastructure and smart phones...
> Rah rah for the SMS idea. I'd use it, if only for the occasional Gopherpedia query from the boonies...
> Brighid

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