[gopher] Gopher-Project Digest, Vol 69, Issue 26

巫白雪 wubaixue at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 18:51:59 UTC 2016

>I am not aware of using SMS in USA. ......

Hah, interesting.  That is a stark difference from here in the USA.  Mobile
services in general are grotesquely overpriced, putting them out of reach
for many people.  Data is usually tightly metered.  Many people (including
me) do not have smart phones, can not get nor afford restrictive mobile
contracts, or otherwise live in areas where there is no data service.

My old school cell phone, for example, barely gets service in my town.
Despite costing 30cents a pop, SMS is thus generally how I talk to family
and friends via cell.  My new mobile hotspot can get very slow 3G service
when I pack it in a home brew waveguide (a tin can), raise it on a 7 meter
tall mast, and point it to the nearest highway.  I use ham radio to send
email sometimes.  And this state of affairs is considered *very high tech*
for most of my neighbours...  So there is your unfiltered USA baseline.

Most techies in the USA seem content to merely make more byte-bloated smart
phone apps for the wealthier Americans who can afford unlimited internet
access in their bandwidth rich cities without regard for these realities.
Elegant and practical solutions which could address the "digital
divide" like Gopher are derided by the cool kids in Silicon Valley as
"laughably old", apparently because there is no money in basic
infrastructure and wider infotech support.  So, God bless mother Russia.


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