[gopher] Tor for Gopher

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Wed Mar 1 09:44:14 UTC 2017

On 01 Mar 2017, at 11:34, Mateusz Viste <mateusz at nospam.viste.fr> wrote

> Shortly said, if we assume that the entire CA business is worthless, then 
> so is SSL.

Funny you should say that - I've always held the opinion that SSL/TLS is completely worthless the way it's currently implemented. Just think about it - what if you had to prove your identity to some foreign company and pay a yearly payment just to set up an SSH server?

Anyway, I did the TLS implementation to Gophernicus just as an example just in case someone wants to develop a client for it. It's been discussed long enough and I thought it's time for some actual working code - nevermind that I really don't like the way CA's and TLS/SSL work.

- Kim

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