[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

James Mills prologic at shortcircuit.net.au
Sun Oct 1 19:48:08 UTC 2017

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Héctor A. Abreu <habreu71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> People in this list who are not familiar with the usenet just need to
> ask, I'm sure fellow members with more knowledge on the usenet will
> help. And there are many "test" newsgroups (alt.test, etc.) to practice
> with your news client.

How does this all work exactly from a server point of view? The wikipedia
article is a bit dry (

And what do clients connect to? a peer or some central server?

Is NNTP designed to be heterogenous and distributed?
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