[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

Kim Holviala kim at holviala.com
Sun Oct 1 20:27:24 UTC 2017

> On 01 Oct 2017, at 22:48, James Mills <prologic at shortcircuit.net.au> wrote:
> How does this all work exactly from a server point of view?

Three servers, A, B and C are discussing:

A: I got a new message from some idiot called Kim. Whee!
B: Hey A, got any new messages for me?
A: Yep, check out this idiot LOL OMG WTG XDDDDD
B: lol
C: Hey! What are you lol'ing about?
C: Hey B, go any new messages for me?
B: LOL sure here's one from Kim :DDDD
B: Hey A, got any new messages for me?
A: Yep, here's one from Kim LOL OMG :DDDDD
C: Hey that's like yesterday's news, got that already from B kthxbye();

And that's how messages propagate, asynchronously around the usenet network. The biggest problem about usenet is that while it's easy to get a message in circulation, it's very hard to delete it afterwards for historical reasons. And since you couldn't reliably delete messages, you couldn't delete spam, and spam eventually killed Usenet.

- Kim
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