[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

Nuno Silva nunojsilva at ist.utl.pt
Sun Oct 1 21:25:38 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-01 14:50 -0600, simple at sdf.org wrote:
> Regarding a WWW interface for UseNet..
> Google acquired[1] many of the old NNTP news groups in 2001 from Deja News
> Usenet archive; most can be viewed and/or posted to via Google Groups.
> ie. comp.infosystems.gopher
> => https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/comp.infosystems.gopher
>  or the mobile version:
> => https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/comp.infosystems.gopher

For reading, sadly, google groups is not really an optimal interface:
with javascript enabled, it will take longer to load the content. It
shares additional usability issues with other google web sites.

Without javascript, it does show the text, and the archives can be
navigated if you find the correct URL for that, but I've found it
becomes confusing to understand where each post starts and ends, because
there's no frame or border separating the posts.

In the end, I can't count google groups as an option to browse newsgroup
archives on the web. Does anyone know of any alternatives?

> I seem to recall that original posts via Google Groups tending to not show
> up initially in the other news servers until someone replied but that might
> not be the case anymore.

Given that, in other newsgroups, the most annoying messages and most of
the junk gets posted through google groups, I'd not be surprised if
people also killfiled articles posted from google groups, regardless of
the sender.

> As for my Usenet vs. Mail-list preference, I'd prefer the former.

As far as we can, I vote we keep both. If the mailing list moves, I vote
we have it moved, and that we ask Gmane to update it accordingly. Even
if Gmane's web interface still has some issues, the newsgroup interface
should provide access to the archives.

Nuno Silva

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